October 2012
In addition to plenary sittings of the Assembly, Official Reports (also known as Minutes of Evidence) are published for some Committee meetings - generally those meetings, or parts of meetings, that involve the consideration of legislation or the taking of evidence as part of a Committee inquiry. Committee reports are published within three working days of the proceedings covered, excluding days on which the full Assembly sits.
The most recent minutes of evidence are listed below. For older reports please use the links on the right hand side.
Date | Title | Action |
24/10/2012 |
Computer Based Assessment (NINA and NILA) |
24/10/2012 |
The Education (Levels of Progression for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2012 |
Read The Education (Levels of Progression for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2012 |
24/10/2012 |
Delivering Success through Excellence: Departmental Briefing |
Read Delivering Success through Excellence: Departmental Briefing |
24/10/2012 |
Programme for Government Delivery Plans: Departmental Briefing |
Read Programme for Government Delivery Plans: Departmental Briefing |
24/10/2012 |
Fire and Rescue Service: Senior Management Briefing |
24/10/2012 |
Tobacco Retailer Sanctions Bill: DHSSPS Briefing |
24/10/2012 |
Fire and Rescue Service: DHSSPS Briefing |
24/10/2012 |
Research Agenda 2012-2015: Departmental Briefing |
24/10/2012 |
E. Coli Outbreak |
24/10/2012 |
Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Bill: Draft Report |
Read Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Bill: Draft Report |