Minutes of Proceedings

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 27 September 2021

The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair.

1. Prayers

Members observed two minutes' silence.

2. Speaker's Business

Ministerial Statements

The Speaker advised Members that he had written to Ministers highlighting concerns at the lack of statements being made in the Assembly, despite important announcements that have been reported in the media in the same period. The Speaker noted that a North South Ministerial Council meeting had taken place on 21 April and despite the requirement in law for Ministers to report to the Assembly after such meetings, no statement had yet been scheduled.

Social Distancing in the Chamber

The Speaker advised Members that additional seating had been placed in the Chamber to allow a greater number of Members to attend Question Time and hold Ministers to account, but emphasised that the seats were currently for Question Time only and that social distancing of two metres should be retained for all other business.

3. Members' Statements

Under Standing Order 24A, the following Members made a statement to the Assembly;

Ms Emma Sheerin

Mr Harry Harvey

Ms Sinead McLaughlin

Mrs Rosemary Barton

Mr Pádraig Delargy

Mr Christopher Stalford

Mr Justin McNulty

Mr Mike Nesbitt

Mr Jim Allister

Mr Gerry Carroll

Mr Jonathan Buckley

4. Public Petition

4.1 Strategy for Expanding the Electric Vehicle Charging Network

The Speaker informed Members that Mr Andrew Muir had sought leave to present a public petition in accordance with Standing Order 22 but was unable to be in the Chamber and that the Business Committee would consider his request to reschedule this petition.

5. Assembly Business

5.1 Motion: Extension of the Ad Hoc Committee on the COVID-19 response


That this Assembly agrees that, unless it previously resolves, the time frame for the existence of the Ad Hoc Committee, appointed by the Assembly on 31 March 2020 for the purpose of receiving oral statements from Ministers on matters relating to the COVID-19 response and questioning Ministers on such statements, be extended to the end of the 2017-22 mandate.

Mr John O'Dowd
Ms Joanne Bunting
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr Robbie Butler
Mr Andrew Muir
Ms Clare Bailey

The Question being put, the motion was carried.

5.2 Motion: Committee Membership


That Ms Sinead Bradley replace Mr George Robinson as a member of the Committee on Standards and Privileges.

Mr John O'Dowd
Ms Joanne Bunting
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr Robbie Butler
Mr Andrew Muir
Ms Clare Bailey

The Question being put, the motion was carried.

5.3 Motion: Committee Membership


That Mr Pádraig Delargy be appointed as a member of the Committee for Infrastructure and as a member of the Committee for the Executive Office; that Ms Áine Murphy be appointed as a member of the Committee on Standards and Privileges; that Ms Ciara Ferguson replace Ms Linda Dillon as a member of the Committee on Procedures; and that Ms Ciara Ferguson be appointed as a member of the Committee for Communities.

Mr John O'Dowd
Ms Sinéad Ennis

The Question being put, the motion was carried.

5.4 Motion: Committee Membership


That Mr Alex Easton replace Mr George Robinson as a member of the Committee for the Executive Office; and that Mr George Robinson replace Mr Alex Easton as a member of the Assembly and Executive Review Committee.

Ms Joanne Bunting
Mr Trevor Clarke

The Question being put, the motion was carried.

5.5 Motion: Trustee of the Assembly Members' Pension Scheme


That Mr Stewart Dickson be appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Assembly Members' Pension Scheme.

Mr Andrew Muir
Ms Paula Bradshaw

The Question being put, the motion was carried.

The Principal Deputy Speaker took the Chair.

6. Executive Committee Business

6.1 Second Stage: Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 36/17-22)

The Minister for Communities, Ms Deirdre Hargey, moved the Second Stage of the Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 36/17-22).

Debate ensued.

The Deputy Speaker, Mr Beggs, took the Chair.

The debate stood suspended for Question Time, the Speaker took the Chair.

7. Question Time

7.1 The Executive Office

Questions were put to, and answered by, the deputy First Minister, Mrs Michelle O'Neill. The junior Minister, Mr Declan Kearney, also answered a number of questions.

7.2 Finance

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister of Finance, Mr Conor Murphy.

8. Executive Committee Business (cont'd)

8.1 Second Stage: Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendments) Bill (NIA Bill 29/17-22) (cont'd)

Debate resumed.

The Deputy Speaker, Mr McGlone, took the Chair.

The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendments) Bill (NIA Bill 36/17-22) passed Second Stage.

9. Assembly Business

9.1 Motion: Extension of Sitting on Monday 27 September 2021 under Standing Order 10(3A)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 10(3A), the sitting on Monday 27 September 2021 be extended to no later than 11:00pm.

Mr John O'Dowd
Ms Joanne Bunting
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr Robbie Butler
Mr Andrew Muir
Ms Clare Bailey

The Question being put, the motion was carried.

The Speaker took the Chair.

10. Executive Committee Business (cont'd)

10.1 Second Stage: Climate Change (No. 2) Bill (NIA Bill 28/17-22)

The Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Mr Edwin Poots, moved the Second Stage of the Climate Change (No. 2) Bill (NIA Bill 28/17-22).

Debate ensued.

The Deputy Speaker, Mr Beggs, took the Chair.

The sitting was suspended at 7.29pm.

The sitting resumed at 7.45pm, with the Deputy Speaker, Mr Beggs, in the Chair.

The Climate Change (No. 2) Bill (NIA Bill 28/17-22) passed Second Stage.

11. Adjournment


That the Assembly do now adjourn.

The Speaker

The Assembly adjourned at 8.46pm.


Mr Alex Maskey
The Speaker
27 September 2021


Northern Ireland Assembly

Papers Presented to the Assembly on 22 September 2021 to 27 September 2021.

1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly

3. Orders in Council

4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly

5. Assembly Reports

6. Statutory Rules

SR 2021/267 The Social Security Benefits (Claims and Payments) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department for Communities)

SR 2021/268 The High Street (Coronavirus, Financial Assistance) Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department for the Economy)

SR 2021/269 The Social Security (Habitual Residence and Past Presence) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department for Communities)

SR 2021/270 The Planning (Development Management) (Temporary Modifications) (Coronavirus) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department for Infrastructure)

For information only

SR 2021/263 The Parking and Waiting Restrictions (Antrim) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2021/264 The Prohibition of Waiting (Schools) (Amendment No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2021/265 The Urban Clearways (Amendment No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2021/266 The Parking Places, Loading Bay and Waiting Restrictions (Downpatrick) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Department for Infrastructure)

7. Written Ministerial Statements

Decisions of the Executive on COVID-19, 23 September 2021 (First Minister and deputy First Minister)

8. Consultation Documents

9. Departmental Publications

10. Agency Publications

Quarterly Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service April 2021 - June 2021 (Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency)

11. Westminster Publications

12. Miscellaneous Publications


The following Members notified the Speaker, under Standing Order 112, that they wished to avail of proxy voting arrangements for the sitting on Monday 27 September 2021:

Steve Aiken

Declan   Kearney

Andy Allen

Dolores Kelly

Caoimhe   Archibald

Gerry Kelly



Kellie   Armstrong

Liz Kimmins

Rosemary   Barton

Naomi Long

Roy Beggs

Gordon Lyons

John Blair

Chris Lyttle

Cathal Boylan

Nichola   Mallon

Maurice   Bradley

Declan   McAleer

Paula Bradley

Fra McCann

Sinead   Bradley

Daniel   McCrossan

Paula   Bradshaw

Patsy McGlone

Nicola Brogan

Colin McGrath

Keith   Buchanan

Philip   McGuigan

Thomas   Buchanan

Maolíosa   McHugh

Jonathan   Buckley

Michelle   McIlveen

Joanne   Bunting

Sinead   McLaughlin

Pam Cameron

Justin   McNulty

Pat Catney

Gary   Middleton

Alan Chambers

Andrew Muir

Pádraig   Delargy

Áine Murphy

Linda Dillon

Conor Murphy

Jemma Dolan

Mike Nesbitt

Stephen Dunne

Robin Newton

Alex Easton

Carál Ní   Chuilín

Sinead Ennis

Michelle   O’Neill

Ciara   Ferguson

Matthew   O’Toole

Órlaithí   Flynn

Edwin Poots

Arlene Foster

George   Robinson

Paul Frew

Emma Rogan

Colm   Gildernew

Pat Sheehan

Paul Givan

Emma Sheerin

Deirdre   Hargey

Christopher   Stalford

Harry Harvey

John Stewart

David   Hilditch

Mervyn Storey

William   Humphrey

Robin Swann

Cara Hunter

Peter Weir

William Irwin