Minutes of Proceeding 2 December 2021
Health Committee
Committee for Health
Minutes of Proceedings
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Meeting Location: virtual meeting
Present by Video or Teleconference:
Colm Gildernew MLA (Chairperson)
Pam Cameron MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Paula Bradshaw MLA
Gerry Carroll MLA
Alan Chambers MLA
Deborah Erskine MLA
Órlaithí Flynn MLA
Colin McGrath MLA
Carál Ní Chuilín MLA
In Attendance by Video or Teleconference:
Keith McBride (Clerk)
Roisin Donnelly (Assistant Clerk)
Deirdre Farry (Assistant Clerk)
Brendan Miskelly (Clerical Supervisor)
Ellen Wilson (Clerical Officer)
The meeting commenced at 9.16 am in public session.
1. Apologies
The Committee agreed to move to agenda item 5.
2. Winter Pressures – briefing from the Minister of Health
The Minister of Health, Robin Swann MLA and the following officials from the Department of Health joined the meeting by video-conference at 9:18 am:
Peter Jakobsen, Director, Surge Planning & Health Service Transformation;
Gearoid Cassidy, Director of Primary Care;
Alastair Campbell, Director of Hospital Reform;
Paul Cavanagh, HSCB Interim Director of Planning and Commissioning; and
Mark McGuicken, Director of Disability and Older People.
The Minister briefed the Committee on the impact of winter pressures on the Health and Social Care System.
A question and answer session followed.
The Minister and the officials agreed to provide further information on a number of issues raised.
The Chairperson thanked the Minister and the departmental officials for their attendance.
The Committee returned to consideration of agenda item 2.
3. Chairperson’s Business
i. The Chairperson advised that a note of the meeting that he and the Deputy Chairperson held with the Chair of the Independent Neurology Inquiry Panel had been circulated to Members.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to ask the Department of Health and the Independent Neurology Inquiry Panel to meet with patients and families in advance of the publication of the inquiry report.
ii. The Chairperson highlighted the importance of blood, plasma and stem cell donation.
4. Draft Minutes
Agreed: The Committee agreed the minutes of the meetings held on 25 and 30 November 2021.
5. Matters Arising
The Committee discussed the duration of the Committee Stage of the Hospital Parking Charges Bill.
Agreed: The Committee agreed that it would seek an extension to the committee stage of the Hospital Parking Charges Bill until 28 February 2022.
The meeting was suspended at 10.51 am and resumed at 11.01 am.
The Committee agreed to move to agenda item 11.
6. Correspondence
i. The Committee considered correspondence from the Minister of Health providing the Public Health Protection and Health Security Framework Outline Agreement and associated memorandum of understanding.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to schedule a briefing on the Public Health Protection and Health Security Framework Outline Agreement.
ii. The Committee noted correspondence from the Minister of Health providing the consultation report on the proposed establishment of a Family Practitioner Services Appeal Panel on the closure of the HSCB.
iii. The Committee noted a copy of correspondence from the Department of Health to an individual regarding stem cell donation.
iv. The Committee noted correspondence from the Clerking and Member Support Office regarding an online session on personal security.
v. The Committee considered correspondence from Eating Disorder Forum NI regarding the recording of deaths attributed to eating disorders.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward this correspondence to the Department of Health for a response to the issues raised and to ask for information on the recording of deaths in England, Scotland and Wales.
vi. The Committee noted the Examiner of Statutory Rules’ Sixth Report of Session 2021-2022.
vii. The Committee considered correspondence from eight cancer charities working in Northern Ireland on the publication of the draft Cancer Strategy for Northern Ireland 2021-2031.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward this correspondence to the Department of Health for a response to the issues raised.
viii. The Committee noted correspondence from the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service regarding decisions on voluntary erasure applications and other items of related correspondence.
ix. The Committee noted the RaISe paper on the Hospital Parking Charges Bill.
x. The Committee noted the public petition, ‘Improved Addiction, Rehab and Crisis Services – Jack’s Promise’ was laid in the Assembly on 15 November 2021 by Órlaithí Flynn MLA.
xi. The Committee noted the Investment Strategy NI November Investing Activity Report for the Department of Health.
xii. The Committee noted correspondence from the Professional Standards Authority advising that it is referring the MPST decision in the case of Dr Michael Watt to the High Court in Northern Ireland.
xiii. The Committee noted correspondence from an individual regarding Stem Cell Donation.
xiv. The Committee noted copy of correspondence from an individual to the Department of Health regarding health inequalities and GP practice funding.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to ask the Department that it is provided with a copy of its response to the individual on this matter.
xv. The Committee noted a copy of correspondence from an individual to the Minister of Health regarding the Valley Nursing Home. The Chairperson advised that he would be taking this matter forward as a constituency matter.
xvi. The Committee noted correspondence from the Minister of Health regarding the Common Frameworks for: Blood Safety and Quality; Organs, Tissues and Cells; and Safety and Quality.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to schedule briefing from the Department of Health on the Common Frameworks.
xvii. The Committee noted a copy of correspondence from the Minister of Health to Executive Ministers on the Autism (Amendment) Bill.
xviii. The Committee noted correspondence from the Minister of Health advising of his intention to launch a targeted consultation on proposed amendments to the NI Firefighters’ Pension Scheme.
xix. The Committee noted correspondence from the Minister of Health responding to the issues raised in written submissions on the Adoption and Children Bill.
xx. The Committee noted a copy of correspondence from the Minister of Health to Carál Ní Chuilín MLA responding to queries raised during the second stage debate on the Adoption and Children Bill.
xxi. The Committee noted a copy of correspondence from the Department of Health and Social Care to the Chair of the Protocol on Ireland/ Northern Ireland Sub-Committee regarding an EU Commission amending regulation on maximum levels of lead in certain foodstuffs.
xxii. The Committee noted correspondence from the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust regarding workforce and other resource requirements association with the Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill.
xxiii. The Committee noted correspondence from PSNI regarding investigations relating to Dr Michael Watt.
xxiv. The Committee considered correspondence from the Royal College of General Practitioners NI and the BMA GP Committee regarding winter pressures on primary care.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Department of Health to ask for detail on the work of the crisis response teams and further information on the HSCB telephone survey.
7. Forward Work Programme
The Committee agreed its Forward Work Programme.
8. Any Other Business
There was no other business.
The meeting was suspended at 11.18 am and resumed at 11.25 am.
9. SR 2021/315 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Amendment No. 19) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021
The following departmental officials joined the meeting by video-conference at 12:00 pm:
Elaine Colgan, Head of Health Protection Branch 2, Department of Health; and
Peter Luney, Covid-19 Taskforce – Covid Recovery & Strategy, Executive Office.
The officials briefed the Committee on the provisions of SR 2021/315 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 (Amendment No. 19) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 which introduce provisions regarding the requirement to show proof of COVID-status Certification to gain entry into relevant settings.
A question and answer session followed.
The officials agreed to provide the Committee with further information on a number of issues raised.
The Chairperson thanked the representatives for their attendance.
The briefing session was reported by Hansard.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to defer formal consideration of this SR until the meeting on 9 December 2021.
10. Winter Pressures – briefing from the NI Ambulance Service Trust
The following officials from the NI Ambulance Service Trust joined the meeting by video-conference at 12:24 pm:
Mr Michael Bloomfield, Chief Executive;
Rosie Byrne, Director of Operations; and
Maxine Paterson, Director of Planning, Performance and Corporate Services.
Mr Bloomfield briefed the Committee on the impact of winter pressures on the work of the NI Ambulance Service Trust.
A question and answer session followed.
The officials agreed to provide the Committee with further information on a number of issues raised.
The Chairperson thanked the NI Ambulance Service Trust officials for their attendance.
The meeting moved into closed session at 1:23 pm.
Gerry Carrol, Alan Chambers, and Órlaithí Flynn left the meeting at 1:23 pm.
11. Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill – consideration of written submissions
The Committee considered the written submissions received on the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill and noted that these would be published on the Committee’s Bill webpage.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to invite the Department of Health, PSNI, NIHRC and the HSC Trusts to give oral evidence on the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill.
12. Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill -Deliberations
The Committee considered the written and oral evidence it had received on the Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill.
Agreed: The Committee agreed that it would complete the clause by clause consideration of the Bill at its meeting on 7 December.
13. The Autism (Amendment) Bill – Deliberations
The Deputy Chairperson declared her interest as being the Bill Sponsor for the Autism Bill.
Bill Clerks, Dr Kathryn Aiken and Phil Pateman joined the meeting at 1.35 pm.
The Committee considered the written and oral evidence it had received on the Autism (Amendment) Bill.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to ask the Bill Clerks to prepare a draft Bill amendment that would provide for the Autism Strategy to compel the Department to involve and consult people with autism, parents/carers of children and adults with autism, and representative organisations working within the autism sector in its development, monitoring, and implementation of the Strategy.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to return to its deliberations on the Bill at its meeting on 9 December 2021.
The Chairperson thanked the Bill Clerks for their attendance.
14. Date, Time and Place of the next meeting
The next meeting of the Committee for Health was scheduled to take place at 12:45 pm on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 in Room 30, Parliament Buildings.
The meeting was adjourned at 2.00 pm.
Colm Gildernew MLA, Chairperson,
Committee for Health