Committee for Education

Minutes of Proceedings - 10 November 2021

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Committee for Education

Minutes of Proceedings

10 November 2021

Meeting Location: Teleconference

Present by Video or Teleconference:

Mr Chris Lyttle MLA (Chairperson)

Mr Pat Sheehan MLA (Deputy Chairperson)

Ms Nicola Brogan MLA

Mr Robbie Butler MLA

Mrs Diane Dodds MLA

Mr Daniel McCrossan MLA

Mr Robin Newton MBE MLA

Ms Aoibhinn Treanor (Assembly Clerk)

Mr Mark McQuade (Assistant Clerk)

Mr Marcus Matthews (Clerical Supervisor)

Mr Craig Mealey (Clerical Officer)



Mr Harry Harvey MLA

Mr Justin McNulty MLA

The meeting commenced at 9:36m in closed session.

1. Integrated Education Bill - Oral briefing from the Examiner of Statutory Rules

The Committee noted a briefing paper from the Examiner of Statutory Rules

The following witness joined the meeting by video conference at 9:36am:

  • Miss Angela Kelly, Examiner of Statutory Rules, Northern Ireland Assembly

The Examiner briefed the Committee on the delegated aspects of the Integrated Education Bill

This was followed by a question and answer session.

The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for the briefing.

The Committee moved to public session at 10:15am.

2. Apologies

Apologies as above.

3. Chairperson’s Business

 3.1 Substitute Teacher Manifesto

The Committee noted correspondence about issues facing substitute teachers.

3.2 Education (Curriculum) (CPR and AED) Bill

The Committee noted that the Education (Curriculum) (CPR and AED) Bill had passed its Second Stage on Monday 8 November 2021 and stood referred to the Committee for Education for its Committee Stage.

3.2 Period Products (Free Provision) Bill

The Committee noted that the Period Products (Free Provision) Bill had passed its Second Stage on Tuesday 9 November 2021 and stood referred to the Committee for Education for its Committee Stage.

4. Draft Minutes

Agreed: The Committee agreed the minutes of its meetings held on 3 November 2021 and 4 November 2021.

5. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

6. Correspondence

6.1 The Committee noted an index of correspondence.

6.2 The Committee noted a response from the Department of Education on a Legislative Consent Motion on the Public Sector Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill.

6.3 The Committee noted a response from the Department of Education on Tackling Gambling Related Harm.

6.4 The Committee noted correspondence from the All-Party Group on Reducing Harm Related to Gambling providing an Inquiry Report on the Future Regulation of Gambling.

6.5 The Committee noted correspondence from the Department of Education regarding the launch of a primary school therapeutic and counselling services pilot.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to arrange a briefing on the primary school therapeutic and counselling services pilot.

6.6 The Committee noted correspondence from the Education Authority on a consultation on how it provides information to parents, young people, schools, stakeholders and the wider public in relation to the services provided for children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

6.7 The Committee noted correspondence from National Museums NI seeking a meeting with the Committee on its work on the ‘Museum on the Move Programme’.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to arrange a visit to see the work on the ‘Museum on the Move Programme’programme.

6.8 The Committee noted correspondence from Parentkind providing its School Uniform Poll Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to hear from stakeholders in advance of its update briefing from DE on uniform policy.

6.9 The Committee noted correspondence about suicide prevention, resilience training and coping mechanisms being included in the school curriculum.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Department of Education asking how suicide prevention and coping mechanisms are currently included in the school curriculum.

6.10 The Committee noted the Department of Education Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21.

6.11 The Committee noted the Investing Activity Report for the Department of Education for October 2021.

6.12 The Committee noted correspondence from Department of Education regarding a consultation on Deferring School Starting Age.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to arrange a briefing on the consultation.

7. Forward Work Programme

The Committee considered its forward work programme.

The Committee discussed the time available for consideration of the Integrated Education Bill. Mrs Dodds and Mr McCrossan expressed concerns regarding the timetable for the Committee Stage of the Bill.

Agreed: The Committee agreed its forward work programme.

8. Integrated Education Bill - Oral briefing from the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) and Catholic Schools’ Trustee Service

The Committee noted responses from the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) and Catholic Schools’ Trustee service to the Committee’s call for Evidence on the Integrated Education Bill.

The following witnesses joined the meeting by video conference at 10:51am:

  • Bishop Donal McKeown, Chairperson, NI Commission for Catholic Education
  • Mr Gerry Campbell, Chief Executive, Council for Catholic Maintained Schools
  • Ms Majella Corrigan, Director of School Planning & Provisions, Council for Catholic Maintained Schools
  • Mr Fintan Murphy, Chief Executive, Catholic Schools' Trustee Service

The witnesses briefed the Committee on the Integrated Education Bill.

The briefing was covered by Hansard.

This was followed by a question and answer session.

The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for the briefing.

9. Integrated Education Bill - Oral briefing from the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

The Committee noted a response from the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People to the Committees call for Evidence on the Integrated Education Bill.

The following witnesses joined the meeting by video conference at 11:45am:

  • Ms Koulla Yiasouma, Commissioner, Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
  • Ms Mairead McCafferty, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

The witnesses briefed the Committee on the Integrated Education Bill.

The briefing was covered by Hansard.

This was followed by a question and answer session.

The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for the briefing.

10. Integrated Education Bill - Oral briefing from the Transferor Representatives' Council (TRC)

The Committee noted a response from the Transferor Representatives' Council to the Committees call for Evidence on the Integrated Education Bill.

The following witnesses joined the meeting by video conference at 12:15pm:

  • Dr Andrew Brown, Vice Chair TRC, Presbyterian Church in Ireland
  • Dr Peter Hamill, Education Officer, Church of Ireland
  • Miss Karen Jardine, Public Affairs Officer, Presbyterian Church in Ireland
  • Dr Anita Gracie, Board of Education Member, Methodist Church in Ireland

The witnesses briefed the Committee on the Integrated Education Bill

The briefing was covered by Hansard.

This was followed by a question and answer session.

Mr Butler left the meeting at 1:18pm

The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for the briefing.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People asking for further information on the Commissioner’s role to encourage and facilitate Integrated Education.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Sponsor and the Northern Ireland Assembly Bill Office seeking a copy of the consultation report on the Integrated Education Bill.

11. Integrated Education Bill - Oral briefing by the Assembly Research and Information Service briefing paper

The Committee noted that the briefing had been postponed.

12. Any Other Business

No other business was discussed.

13. Date, Time and Place of the next meeting

The next formal Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 4 November 2021 by video conference at 9:00am. 

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30pm.

Chris Lyttle MLA

Chairperson, Committee for Education

17 November 2021