Implications of Brexit for Transport and Water Policy

Synopsis: The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) and its arms-length-bodies maintain and develop infrastructure and services that support economic and social activity in Northern Ireland. This includes our water and sewerage networks, rivers and flood defence, roads and footpaths, and public transport services. Significantly, these areas (broadly speaking transport and water) are subject to substantial input from the EU in the form of policy and regulation, financial support and knowledge exchange. Transport and water body policy/management are also areas that require a significant amount of cross-border co-operation. Therefore, Northern Ireland has a unique position among the UK regions in that it shares a land border with another EU Member State; this will require special consideration. The extent to which ‘Brexit’ will impact on the way these issues are dealt with, and ultimately on the work of DfI, is unknown and will depend entirely on the outcome of negotiations between the UK Government and the EU. The purpose of this section is to briefly outline the influence of the EU on the work of the DfI and to highlight issues that may require further consideration.

Date: 07 September 2016

Implications of Brexit for Transport and Water Policy.PDF (221.19 kb)