An Overview of the Integrated Transport Pilot

Synopsis: This paper provides an overview of the ‘Integrated Transport Pilot’ co-ordinated by the Department for Regional Development (DRD) during the previous NI Assembly mandate (2011-16) and within the old departmental structures. This paper includes:  an introduction to the pilot scheme including its aims and objectives;  an assessment of the impact of the pilot as reported in the evaluation report;  an overview of lessons learnt as identified in the evaluation report; and  an update of plans being brought forward. The information provided in this paper is derived almost exclusively from correspondence between the DRD and Committee for Regional Development (CRD) between January 2013 and February 2016. It is intended to bring members up-to-date with this initiative in advance of any further correspondence with the DfI on this subject.

Date: 07 September 2016

An Overview of the Integrated Transport Pilot.pdf (272.89 kb)