Committee for the Environment - Responses

PPS 18 Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on Wind Energy Development in Northern Ireland's Landscapes

Environment Committee Office
Room 247
Parliament Buildings
Tel 028 9052 1240
Fax 028 9052 1795

Ms Una Downey 
Assembly Liaison Officer 
Central Management Branch 
4th Floor 
Clarence Court 
Adelaide Street 

20 June 2008

Dear Una

PPS 18 Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on Wind Energy Development in Northern Ireland’s Landscapes

The Committee for the Environment was briefed by Departmental officials on the Supplementary Planning Guidance (to PPS 18) at its meeting on 12 June 2008. At this meeting Members considered the Department’s response, dated 3 June, to the views expressed by BWEA on the Supplementary Planning Guidance and have commented as follows: -

1. BWEA take the view that the delivery of the regions renewable energy targets should form the basis and fundamental objective of the SPG

The Committee is content with the response from the Department.

2. BWEA recommend broadening the scope of the assessment to incorporate wind speed data, grid constraints, aviation constraints and the full spectrum of environmental data

The Committee is content with the response from the Department and adds that the Supplementary Planning Guidance should take account of wider issues and practicalities (i.e. proposed locations near local airports).

3. BWEA recommend that any spatial assessment should address the entire Region as a whole and remove apparently arbitrary reference to LCAs

The Committee is content with the response from the Department and adds that the Supplementary Planning Guidance should take account of wider issues and practicalities (i.e. proposed locations near local airports).

4. BWEA recommend removal of the implicit application of buffer zones around AONBs

The Committee is content with the response from the Department.

5. BWEA recommend removal or reconsideration of classifications regarding turbine height and scale of development

The Committee adds that any reconsideration of the classifications regarding turbine height and scale of development takes account of the perceived constraints regarding local amenities.

6. BWEA recommend removal of overly prescriptive language in order to ensure that the SPG meets its stated objective of guiding planners’ judgement

The Committee is content with the response from the Department.

7. The Committee also requested information on the role and remit of a working group, with representatives of the wind energy industry, as proposed by the Minister at a recent meeting with BWEA and information on the amount of wind farms already in existence in Northern Ireland and the amount of farms and turbines that would be needs to reach the renewable energy target.

The Committee is content with the response from the Department.

Yours Sincerely

William Long 
Assistant Clerk – Committee for the Environment