Committee for the Environment - 2007 - 2011 Mandate

Research Papers

Here you will find a list of Environment Committee research papers arranged in date order with the most recent first. Links to the report text are available from each of the reports listed.

Session 2010 - 2011

Date Research Paper
27.01,11 Planning Bill Research Follow-Up work from Research Briefing Sessions
02.02.11 Zoning for Social Housing
07.02.11 Simplified Planning Zones
16.02.11 Planning Systems and Vulnerable Groups
07.02.11 Climate Change Within Planning Legislation
  Planning Reform Bill (1)
  Planning Bill (2): Development Management, Planning Control and Enforcement
  Planning Bill (3): Community Involvement
  Planning Bill (4): Implementation, Performance and Decision making: Issues of Capacity, Delivery and Quality
15.11.10 The Capacity of Councils to Seperate the Role of Chief Executives and Chief Financial Officers
10.11.10 NO2 Levels in the Strand Area of Belfast
29.10.10 Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems SUDS
19.10.10 Goods Vehicles and VOSA Stops
15.10.10 High Hedge and Single Tree Complaints
06.10.10 High Hedges Legislation Review
04.10.10 Role of Chief Financial Officers
27.09.10 Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill
13.09.10 Draft Waste and Contaminated Land (Amendment) Bill – burden of proof and means of defence – comparative legislation

Ensuring Recyclate Quality

27.08.10 Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill: Alleygating

The Road Safety Authority in the Republic of Ireland


EU Guidelines for City Airports

Session 2009 - 2010

Date Research Paper
11.06.10 Play Areas in Residential Developments NI
11.06.10 High Hedges
  High Hedges: Fees and Appeals Process

Information held by UK Court Services on fines for waste offences

22.03.10 MLAs also serving as Councillors
19.03.10 Future Cohesion Policy and Structural Funds
16.03.10 Use of Snares and Pest Control in Europe
12.03.10 New Snare Technology
01.03.10 Products which prohibit mobile phone use while driving
25.02.10 Briefing Note on DOE and Private Sector Sick Absences

Further consideration of Derogations from Regulation (EC) 561/2006


Addressing the costs of climate change

  European Commission's Impact Assessment System

Plastic Bag Levy/Tax

  Insurance Incentives For Completion Of The Advanced Driving Test
  Local Government (Disqualification) (Amendment) Bill
  Speeding on Rural Roads - Proposals for a 45mph Limit on Rural Roads
22.01.10 Police Seizure of Vehicles in Scotland
08.01.10 Drug Driving Testing Mechanisms Used Globally
08.01.10 Enforcement of Speeding on Rural Roads in the UK and Europe
08.01.10 Road Deaths and Age Groups of Road Deaths in Countries Worldwide
08.01.10 Summary of the 3 Sections of the Road Safety Request
15.12.09 Transitional Relief
  What is the relationship between Central Government and Local Government in relation to the delivery of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005?
  Summary of the Provision and scope of the Clean Neighbourhoods Legislation in England & Wales and equivalent legislation in the Republic of Ireland
07.10.09 Auditor's Responsibility

Comparison of the Powers of the Auditor General with the Local Government Auditor

Session 2008 - 2009

Date Research Paper
25.06.09 The Carbon Trust in NI and the Public Sector
22.06.09 Climate Change Bill in Scottish Parliament

Interconnectors and the Precautionary Principle

27.05.09 Climate Change Structures in Other Jurisdictions
14.05.09 Climate Change Policy Framework in Northern Ireland
19.02.09 Topsoil and How its Movement is Controlled and Regulated in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
17.02.09 Draft UK Climate Change Bill
17.02.09 Climate Change Bill
29.10.08 Regulation of Access to the Countryside in GB and Europe

Session 2007 - 2008

Date Research Paper
August 2008

Health Effects Of Electric Fields And Interconnectors

09.06.2008 Poultry Waste
09.06.2008 Poultry Waste - Annex A
May 2008

Utility Regulation And Sustainable Development

May 2008

The Goods Vehicles (Licensing Of Operators) Bill

April 2008

The Goods Vehicle Industry In GB

February 2008

UK Marine Bill White Paper

January 2008

Potential impacts of National parks designation with particular reference to the proposed Mournes National Park

January 2008 Potential impacts of National parks designation with particular reference to the proposed Mournes National Park - Appendix
December 2007 All-Ireland species action plan for the red squirrel (Sciurus Vulgaris)
October 2007 The role of UNESCO in the Designation of World Heritage Sites, with particular reference to the Giant's Causeway
October 2007 The role of UNESCO in the provision World Heritage Status
October 2007 Comparative Planning Systems
October 2007 Article 31 Planning Decisions in Northern Ireland - Legislative background and process
September 2007 Review of Public Administration
22.06.2007 Taxis Bill
  Proposed special protection order for the Irish Hare
  Tyrone to Cavan Interconnector