Forward Work Programme

Please note that the information below is provisional. For further information please visit the business diary.

Date of meeting


21st January 2016

Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings

Departmental briefing - Scrap Metal Dealers Bill


Departmental briefing - Synopsis of responses to consultation on exending the validity period of medically restricted driving licences



28th January 2016

Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings



 RAISE briefing - River pollution and sentencing issues


Departmental briefing - NSMC Fianl report into residential emissions from burning of solid fuel (key findings and recommendations)


Consideration of the Scrap Metal Dealers Bill

 4th February  2016

Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings

 Departmental briefing - Fnancial Provisions consultation


Consideration of the Scrap Metal Dealers Bill


11th February 2016

Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings

Departmental briefing  - Anaerobic policy and review of renewable energy policy


Consideration of the Scrap Metal Dealers Bill