Press Releases

Here you will find links to the Press Releases issued by the Committee for the Environment arranged with the most recent at the top of the list.

Date Title Action


Protecting our Environment is Responsibility of all says Committee

Reference: ENV 1/09/10

Read Protecting our Environment is Responsibility of all says Committee


Northern Ireland Has Duty to Recognise Impacts of Climate Change Says Committee

Reference: ENV 02/09/10

Read Northern Ireland Has Duty to Recognise Impacts of Climate Change Says Committee


Environment Committee Focuses on Making our Roads Safer

Reference: ENV 03/09/10

Read Environment Committee Focuses on Making our Roads Safer


Environment Committee Examines Impact Of Cuts To Agencies

Reference: ENV 05/09/10

Read Environment Committee Examines Impact Of Cuts To Agencies


Environment Committee Reviews Marine Management Activity

Reference: ENV 04/09/10

Read Environment Committee Reviews Marine Management Activity


Assembly Committee Calls on Minister to Reinstate Crucial Funding

Reference: ENV 06/09/10

Read Assembly Committee Calls on Minister to Reinstate Crucial Funding


Environment Committee welcomes Road Safety Strategy consultation

Reference: ENV 07/09/10

Read Environment Committee welcomes Road Safety Strategy consultation


Environment Committee says Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill must have greater impact

Reference: ENV 08/09/10

Read Environment Committee says Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill must have greater impact


Environment Committee expresses grave concern at Department proposals for Planning Service

Reference: ENV 09/09/10

Read Environment Committee expresses grave concern at Department proposals for Planning Service


Assembly Committee calls for urgent consultation with Planning Service employees about proposed redeployment

Reference: ENV 10/09/10

Read Assembly Committee calls for urgent consultation with Planning Service employees about proposed redeployment