Committee for the Environment 2007 - 2011 Mandate


Here you will find a list of Environment Committee reports arranged in date order with the most recent first. Links to the report text are available from each of the reports listed.

Session 2010 - 2011

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
  06.04.11 End of Session Report 2010/11 Only available online
59/10/11R 23.03.11 Report on the Cyclists (Protective Headgear) Bill (NIA 9/10)  
49/10/11R 22.02.11 Report on the Planning Bill (NIA 7/10) 
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
08/10/11R 27.01.11 Report on the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill  
07/10/11R 16.12.10 Report on the High Hedges Bill (NIA 15/09)  
03/10/11R 02.11.19 Report on the Local Government (Finance) Bill (NIA 14/09) 978 0 339 60360 8
06/10/11R 04.11.10 Report on the Waste and Contaminated Land (Amendment) Bill (NIA 10/09)  

Session 2009 - 2010

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
  09.11.10 End of Session Report 09/10 Only available online
57/09/10R 24.06.10 Report on Local Government (Disqualification) (Amendment) Bill (NIA 7/09) 978 0 339 60342 4
50/09/10R 15.04.10 Report on the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill (NIA 5/09) 978 0 339 60331 8
24/09/10R 23.11.09 Inquiry into Climate Change Vol 3 978 0 339 60310 3
24/09/10R 23.11.09 Inquiry into Climate Change Vol 2 978 0 339 60309 7
24/09/10R 23.11.09 Inquiry into Climate Change Vol 1 978 0 339 60308 0
15/09/10R 15.10.09 Report on Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (NIA 10/08) 978 0 339 60302 8

Session 2008 - 2009

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
  11.11.09 End of Session Report 08/09 Only available online
17/08/09R 04.12.07 Report on Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Bill (NIA 15/07) 978 0 339 60257 1

Session 2007 - 2008

Report NumberDateReport NameISBN Number
10/07/08R 29.11.07 Report on the Taxis Bill (NIA 4/07) 978-0-339-60207-6