Committee for the Environment - Inquiry into Climate Change
Submissions received on the Inquiry into Climate Change
Below you will find a list of the submissions received by the Environment Committee on the Inquiry into Climate Change.
- Woodland Trust Response to the Environment Committee’s inquiry into Climate Change in Northern Ireland
- Institute of Directors - A Competitive Response to Climate Change
- Met Office - Submission to the Northern Ireland Assembly Environment Committee: Inquiry into Climate Change
- Institution of Highways & Transportation (NI Branch) - Submission on Climate Change to the Northern Ireland Assembly Environment Committee
- Northern Ireland Climate Change Impacts Partnership (NICCIP) - Evidence to the Environment Committee
- Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA) - Evidence to the Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) - Response to the NI Assembly Inquiry into Climate Change
- Correspondance from Northern Ireland Electricity re Inquiry into Climate Change
- Northern Ireland Environment Link (NIEL) submission to Environment Committe on Inquiry into Climate Change
- Queen's University Belfast submission to the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Northern Ireland submission to the Northern Ireland Assembly Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Northern Ireland - Planning to live with Climate Change
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Northern Ireland - Response to Northern Ireland Assembly Environment Committee on Inquiry into Climate Change
- Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Assembly Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Correspondance from the Sustainable Energy Association
- Evidence from Sustainable Northern Ireland - Inquiry into Climate Change
- Northern Ireland Cycling Forum Board submission on Inquiry into Climate Change
- Ulster Farmers' Union Response to Northern Ireland Assembly Inquiry into Climate Change
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Northern Ireland response to the Terms of Reference of the Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Comments by British Wind Energy Association and Irish Wind Energy Association
- Baglady Productions response to Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Climate Change Coalition Northern Ireland response to Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Committee on Climate Change submission to Climate Change Inquiry
- Carbon Trust NI Submission to Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Carbon Trust NI - Reducing our carbon footprint, An initial action plan for Northern Ireland
- Airtricity's response to Northern Ireland Environment Committee Inquiry Into Climate Change
- Bairbre de Brun MEP Submission to the Assembly Environment Committee Climate Change Inquiry
- A Submission from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
- Correspondence from the Committee for Regional Development
- CBI Submission to the Northern Ireland Assembly's Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Conservation Volunteers NI Response to Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Change
- Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside - Paper on Climate Change
- CTS Projects correspondence re Inquiry into Climate Change
- DOE Input to Inquiry on Climate Change
- Submission from the Energy Saving Trust
- Correspondence from the Federation of Small Businesses
- Friends of the Earth Inquiry Submission
- Helena Rafferty Submission to the Committee for the Environment Inquiry into Climate Change
- Hans Schreuder Submission to the Committee for the Environment Inquiry into Climate Change
- The National Trust Submission to the Inquiry into Climate Change
- Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association (NIIRTA) Submission to the Northern Ireland Assembly Environment Committee on their enquiry into Climate Change
- Irish Academy of Engineering - Climate Change: Meeting the Challenge of Adaptation
- Irish Academy of Engineering - Critical infrastructure for Climate Change: Energy Infrastructure
- Irish Academy of Engineering - Flood Protection Infrastructure
- Irish Academy of Engineering - Critical Infrastructure: Water Supply