Session 2014 - 2015

Education Committee Backs Greater Access to STEM in Schools
The Committee for Education brought forward a plenary motion today calling on the Education Minister to support the full implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects on the Northern Ireland curriculum.
Reference: EDUC 04/14/15
Date: 2 March 2015

Education Committee Backs Digital Action Plan in Schools
The Committee for Education today called for primary and post-primary pupils to be given better access to the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) parts of the curriculum, particularly with respect to learning computer coding. Their call came as the Committee continued its review of STEM subjects in schools.
Reference: EDUC 03/14/15
Date: 28 January 2015

Education Committee Showcases STEM in Action
The Assembly Committee for Education today celebrated the innovation and enthusiasm of talented young scientists from local primary and post-primary schools across Northern Ireland.
Reference: EDUC 02/14/15
Date: 1 October 2014

Committee Launches Inquiry into Shared and Integrated Education
The Committee for Education has just launched its inquiry into Shared and Integrated Education.
Reference: EDUC 01/14/15
Date: 10 September 2014