Session 2012 - 2013

Inspecting the Inspectors: Education Committee Launches
The Committee for Education today announced the launch of its Inquiry into the School Improvement process and the role of the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI).
Reference: EDUC 10/12/13
Date: 26 June 2013

Committee Expresses Sadness Over Death of Primary School Pupil
The Assembly Committee for Education has spoken of its shock and sadness following the news of the death of a school pupil.
Reference: EDUC 09/12/13
Date: 9 May 2013

Education Committee Examines the Examiners
As part of its on-going consideration of GCSEs, A-levels and concerns relating to Computer-Based Assessment and the new Levels of Progression assessments, the Committee for Education visited the headquarters of the examining body for Northern Ireland – the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment.
Reference: EDUC 08/12/13
Date: 2 May 2013

A-Levels Under Scrutiny at Committee Event
The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Education hosted an event this evening to hear views on potential changes to A-levels in Northern Ireland.
Reference: EDUC 07/12/13
Date: 20 March 2013

Young People and School Governors to Have Their Say on the Education Bill
The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Education will host an event this week - facilitated by PTA-NI and The Youth Forum - to ask school governors and young people for their views on the Education Bill.
Reference: EDUC 06/12/13
Date: 28 January 2013

'STEM' is the way forward says Committee
The Committee for Education is calling for more pupils to get involved in the STEM subjects in schools – those are Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects.
Reference: EDUC 05/12/13
Date: 16 January 2013

Committee Praises Hard-Working Primary School Teachers and Pupils
The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Education today welcomed the initial results of the Trends in International Maths and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). These prestigious studies show that Northern Ireland's 9 and 10 year olds out-perform international competitor countries like the USA in both literacy and numeracy, and are above the international average in science.
Reference: EDUC 04/12/13
Date: 12 December 2012

Committee Calls for More Checks for Home to School Transport
The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Education is pressing for a more joined-up approach for health and safety checking for Home to School transport.
Reference: EDUC 03/12/13
Date: 3 October 2012

Committee Calls For Extra Time For Post-Primary Consultation
The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Education is urging the Minister to extend the consultation time available on proposed Departmental plans for the sustainability and viability of post-primary schools.
Reference: EDUC 02/12/13
Date: 25 September 2012

School Councils Central To Student Experience Says Committee
The Northern Ireland Assembly Education Committee has today published its report on its inquiry into School Councils which allow pupils to participate in the way their schools deal with important issues.
EDUC 01/12/13
Date: 12 September 2012