Session 2013 - 2014
Committee Remains Troubled by Teacher Redundancy Delays
The Northern Ireland Assembly's Education Committee has today further considered the ongoing issues affecting the teacher redundancy process.
Reference: EDUC 05/13/14
Date: 2 July 2014
New Start for School Inspection Needed Says Committee
The Education Committee published its report on the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) and the school improvement process.
Reference: EDUC 04/13/14
Date: 17 June 2014
Committee Sees How RSPB Connects Young People to Nature
The Education Committee took part in an RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) event which aims to give children a greater connection to wildlife and nature.
Reference: Educ C 03/13/14
Date: 28 May 2014
Education Committee Hosts "World in Your Classroom Event"
A special showcase event to highlight the range of international education programmes and funding available to local primary and post-primary schools was held today in Parliament Buildings.
Reference: EDUC 02/13/14
Date: 27 May 2014
Assembly Committees Agree STEM is Cool
An event to highlight the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, involving over 60 organisations, was held today in Parliament Buildings.
Reference: EDUC 01/13/14
Date: 29 January 2014