Forward Work Programme

November 2015 - January 2016

Synopsis: Below you find details of what is planned for the next few months

25 February 2016

Room 30

Libraries NI briefing on Transfer of Functions

01 March 2016

Senate Chamber

 Sport NI briefing on Interim Executive Liaison Team

SIB briefing on The MAC

03 March 2016

Room 30

DCAL Minister briefing on Casement Park inquiry

The MAC 

Draft Statutory Rule: To provide privileged access to information contained in court and inquest files (TBC) 


08 March 2016

Senate Chamber

ACNI briefing on Transfer of Functions

Consideration of Legacy Report

10 March 2016

Room 30

Draft Statutory Rule: To provide privileged access to information contained in court and inquest files (TBC) 

15 March 2016

Room 30

Agreement of Legacy Report