APN 434 - 17/22 All Party Group on Cancer and All Party Group on Domestic & Sexual Violence
A meeting of the All-Party Group on Cancer has been arranged to take place on Tuesday 19th October 12.30pm – 2.00pm, in the Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Stormont.
This drop-in event, running from 12.30pm-2pm, will be a showcase of how the Cancer Charity sector can ‘Build Back Better’ from the COVID-19 pandemic, with representatives from a number of sector organisations available for discussion.
All Members are welcome to attend.
If you wish to attend this meeting, please email danielle@stratagem-ni.com
A remote/virtual meeting of the All-Party Group (APG) on Domestic & Sexual Violence has been arranged to take place on Tuesday 11th October 2021 at 1PM using the Zoom platform.
All Members are welcome to attend.
An invite will be emailed separately to each APG member (and, on request, to any other MLAs who wish to attend) providing instruction on how to join the remote/virtual meeting.
For further information and to request the appropriate links and joining instructions for the remote/virtual meeting, please contact Sarah Doherty on 028 2863 2136 or email sarah.doherty@womensaidabcln.org or moira.mcmurray@womensaidabcln.org