All Part Group on the Arts and Annual General Meeting of all Party Group on Disability

All Party Group on Arts

An upcoming meeting of the All-Party Group on the Arts has been arranged to take place on Friday 28 January 2022 at 12:00 via MS Teams.

All Members are welcome to attend.

An invite will be emailed separately to each APG Member (on request to another MLA who wishes to attend) providing instruction on how to join the remote/virtual meeting.

For further information and to request the appropriate links and joining instructions please contact Niamh Flanagan on 028 9031 1806 or by email, or Sussanne Gillespie by email


A remote/virtual meeting of the All-Party Group (APG) on Disability has been arranged to take place on Tuesday 1st February at 13:30 using the Zoom platform.

This meeting will be the Annual General Meeting of the Group and the agenda will include an introduction to Disability Actions Head of Policy Nuala Toman.

All Members are welcome to attend.

An invite will be emailed separately to each APG member (and, on request, to any other MLAs who wish to attend) providing instruction on how to join the remote/virtual meeting.

For further information and to request the appropriate links and joining instructions for the remote/virtual meeting, please contact Nuala Toman on Mob – 07967322639 or by email to


A remote/virtual meeting of the All-Party Group (APG) on Disability has been arranged to take place on Wednesday 23rd February at 18:30 using the Zoom platform.

The title of the APG meeting is β€œAn informal review of the impact of Covid-19 on deaf and disabled people.” Members will hear personal testimony from a number of deaf and disabled people and their experiences over the past 24 months. MLAs will get a chance to ask and respond to contributors. There will be both BSL and ISL (British/Irish sign language) interpreters at this event. The event will last no more than 1 hour.

All Members are welcome to attend.

An invite will be emailed separately to each APG member (and, on request, to any other MLAs who wish to attend) providing instruction on how to join the remote/virtual meeting.

For further information and to request the appropriate links and joining instructions for the remote/virtual meeting, please contact Nuala Toman on Mob – 07967322639 or by email to