APN 482 - 17/22: All Party Group on Ethnic Minority Community

A remote/virtual meeting of the All-Party Group (APG) on Ethnic Minority Community has been arranged to take place on 16th February 2022 at 10am using the Zoom platform.

An Briefing from Patricia Zimmerman from the Ministry of Justice Team on United Nations Universal Periodic Review 2022 (15 minutes presentation)

Q & A (15 minutes)

Briefing from Ivanka Antova of the Brexit and Human Rights Working Group, Human Rights Consortium on Brexit and Northern Ireland Protocols, Immigration Bills, asylum seekers and refugees. (15 minutes presentation)

Q&A (15 minutes)

Briefing from Elizabeth Griffith of the Law Centre NI on Draft Refugee Integration Strategy 2922-2027. (15 minutes presentation)

Q&A (15 minutes)

Briefing from Lumturi Podrimaj of Advice NI on EU Resettlement Scheme. (15 minutes presentation)

Q&A (15 minutes)

All Members are welcome to attend.

An invite will be emailed separately to each APG member (and, on request, to any other MLAs who wish to attend) providing instruction on how to join the remote/virtual meeting.

For further information and to request the appropriate links and joining instructions for the remote/virtual meeting, please contact Patrick Yu on 07710 767235 or email patrick@nicre.org.