Minutes of Proceedings

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 11 January 2020

 The Assembly met at 1.03pm, the Acting Speaker in the Chair.

1.   Speaker’s Business                                                              

Members Resignations and Appointments 

1.1 The Acting Speaker informed Members that Mr Colum Eastwood, Dr Stephen Farry, Ms Claire Hanna and Ms Carla Lockhart ceased to be Members of the Assembly on 13 December 2019. The Chief Electoral Officer was notified in accordance with Section 35 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

1.2 The Acting Speaker informed Members of notification from the Chief Electoral Officer that Ms Sinead McLaughlin had been returned as a Member for Foyle constituency, Mr Andrew Muir had been returned as a Member for North Down constituency, Mr Matthew O’Toole had been returned as a Member for South Belfast constituency and Mrs Diane Dodds had been returned as a Member for Upper Bann constituency.

The returned Members gave the Undertaking, signed the Roll of Membership and entered their designations in the presence of the Speaker and Clerk / Chief Executive on the following dates:

Mr Andrew Muir – 23 December 2019

Mrs Diane Dodds – 9 January 2020

Ms Sinead McLaughlin – 10 January 2020

1.3 The Acting Speaker informed Members that Mr Máirtín Ó Muilleor and Ms Megan Fearon resigned as Members of the Assembly with effect from the end of 6 January 2020, and that Mrs Máire Hendron resigned as a Member of the Assembly with effect from 8 January 2020. The Chief Electoral Officer was notified in accordance with section 35 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

1.4 The Acting Speaker informed Members of notification from the Chief Electoral Officer that Ms Deirdre Hargey had been returned as a Member of the Assembly for South Belfast, that Ms Liz Kimmins had been returned as a Member for Newry and Armagh and that Mrs Naomi Long had been returned as a Member of the Assembly for East Belfast.

The returned Members gave the Undertaking, signed the Roll of Membership and entered their designations in the presence of the Speaker and Clerk / Chief Executive on the following dates:

Ms Deirdre Hargey – 9 January 2020

Ms Liz Kimmins - 9 January 2020

Mrs Naomi Long - 9 January 2020


2.   Election of Speaker                                 

The Acting Speaker outlined the procedure for the election of a Speaker under Standing Order 4.

Mrs Michelle O'Neill nominated Mr Alex Maskey as a candidate for the Office of Speaker and Mr Conor Murphy seconded the nomination.

Dr Steve Aiken nominated Mr Roy Beggs as a candidate for the Office of Speaker and Mr Robin Swann seconded the nomination.

Ms Nicola Mallon nominated Mr Patsy McGlone as a candidate for the Office of Speaker and Mrs Dolores Kelly seconded the nomination.

Mr Maskey indicated his agreement to accept the nomination.

Mr Beggs indicated his agreement to accept the nomination.

Mr McGlone indicated his agreement to accept the nomination.

Debate ensued.

The Question being put that Mr Alex Maskey be Speaker of the Assembly, the Motion was carried with cross-community support (Division).

The Speaker (Mr Alex Maskey) took the Chair.


3.   Election of Deputy Speakers    

The Speaker advised that the procedure for election of Deputy Speakers would be the same as that for the election of the Speaker.

The Rt. Hon Arlene Foster nominated Mr Christopher Stalford as Deputy Speaker.

Mr Gordon Lyons seconded the nomination. Mr Stalford indicated his agreement to accept the nomination.

Dr Steve Aiken nominated Mr Roy Beggs as Deputy Speaker.

Mr Robbie Butler seconded the nomination. Mr Beggs indicated his agreement to accept the nomination.

Ms Nicola Mallon nominated Mr Patsy McGlone as Deputy Speaker.

Ms Sinead Bradley seconded the nomination. Mr McGlone indicated his agreement to accept the nomination.

Debate ensued.

The Question being put that Mr Christopher Stalford be Deputy Speaker, the Motion was carried with cross-community support.

The Question being put that Mr Roy Beggs be Deputy Speaker, the Motion was carried with cross-community support.

The Question being put that Mr Patsy McGlone be Deputy Speaker, the Motion was carried with cross-community support.


4.   Assembly Business

4.1 Motion – Business Committee Motion


That the following shall be appointed to be Members of the Business Committee:

The Speaker (ex officio);
Ms Kellie Armstrong;
Ms Clare Bailey;
Mr Robbie Butler;
Mrs Dolores Kelly;
Mr Gordon Lyons;
Mr Declan McAleer;
Mr Colin McGrath;
Mr Andrew Muir;
Ms Caral Ní Chuilín;
Mr George Robinson; and
Mr John Stewart.

The Speaker

The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.


5.   Appointment of First Minister and deputy First Minister

The Speaker outlined the procedure for the appointment of the First Minister and deputy First Minister as set out in section 16A of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and Standing Order 44(1).

Mr Gordon Lyons nominated the Rt. Hon Arlene Foster as First Minister.

The Rt. Hon Arlene Foster confirmed that she was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office contained in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Mr Conor Murphy nominated Mrs Michelle O'Neill as deputy First Minister.

Mrs Michelle O'Neill confirmed that she was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office contained in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

The Speaker confirmed that the Rt. Hon Arlene Foster and Mrs Michelle O'Neill had taken up office as First Minister and deputy First Minister respectively.

Members made remarks on the appointments

The sitting was suspended at 2.33pm.

The sitting resumed at 3.05pm, with the Speaker in the Chair.


6.   Appointment of Junior Ministers

The Speaker informed the Assembly that he had received correspondence from the First Minister and deputy First Minister informing him of their intention to appoint today Mr Gordon Lyons MLA and Mr Declan Kearney MLA as junior Ministers in the Executive Office.

Mr Gordon Lyons confirmed that he was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Mr Gordon Lyons as junior Minister.

Mr Declan Kearney confirmed that he was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Mr Declan Kearney as junior Minister.


7.   Filling of the Office of Minister of Justice

The Speaker outlined the process for filling the office of the Minister for Justice.

Ms Kellie Armstrong nominated Mrs Naomi Long to be Minister of Justice.

Debate ensued.

The Question being put, the Nomination was approved with parallel consent. 

Mrs Naomi Long affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed that Mrs Naomi Long had taken up office as Minister of Justice.


8.   Appointment of Ministers

The Speaker outlined the process for the appointment of Ministers.

The Rt. Hon Arlene Foster, the nominating officer for the Democratic Unionist Party, nominated Mrs Diane Dodds to be Minister for the Economy.

Mrs Diane Dodds confirmed that she was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Mrs Diane Dodds as Minister for the Economy.

Mrs Michelle O'Neill, the nominating officer for Sinn Féin, nominated Mr Conor Murphy to be Minister of Finance.

Mr Conor Murphy confirmed that he was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Mr Conor Murphy as Minister of Finance.

The Rt. Hon Arlene Foster, the nominating officer for the Democratic Unionist Party, nominated Mr Peter Weir to be Minister of Education.

Mr Peter Weir confirmed that he was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Mr Peter Weir as Minister of Education.

Mrs Michelle O'Neill, the nominating officer for Sinn Féin, nominated Ms Deirdre Hargey to be Minister for Communities.

Ms Deirdre Hargey confirmed that she was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Ms Deirdre Hargey as Minister for Communities.

Mrs Dolores Kelly, the nominating officer for the Social Democratic and Labour Party, nominated Ms Nicola Mallon to be Minister for Infrastructure.

Ms Nicola Mallon confirmed that she was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Ms Nicola Mallon as Minister for Infrastructure.

Dr Steve Aiken, the nominating officer for the Ulster Unionist Party, nominated Mr Robin Swann to be Minister of Health.

Mr Robin Swann confirmed that he was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Mr Robin Swann as Minister of Health.

The Rt. Hon Arlene Foster, the nominating officer for the Democratic Unionist Party, nominated Mr Edwin Poots to be Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.         

Mr Edwin Poots confirmed that he was willing to take up the office and affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in Schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Speaker confirmed the appointment of Mr Edwin Poots as Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.


9.   Adjournment


That the Assembly do now adjourn.

The Speaker

The Assembly adjourned at 3.26pm.

Mr Alex Maskey
The Speaker

11 January 2020


Northern Ireland Assembly

11 January 2020


Question put, That Mr Alex Maskey be Speaker of the Assembly.

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 51
Noes: 32



Dr Archibald, Mr Boylan, Ms Dillon, Ms Dolan, Ms Ennis, Ms Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Ms Hargey, Mr Kearney, Ms C Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr McCann, Mr McCartney, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Mr Maskey, Ms Mullan, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Ms Rogan, Mr Sheehan, Miss Sheerin


Mr M Bradley, Ms P Bradley, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Ms Bunting, Mrs Cameron, Mr Clarke, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Frew, Mr Givan, Mr Harvey, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Lyons, Miss McIlveen, Mr Middleton, Mr Poots, Mr Stalford, Mr Storey, Mr Weir

Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Boylan, Mr McCartney




Ms S Bradley, Mr Catney, Mr Dallat, Mr Durkan, Mrs D Kelly, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty, Ms Mallon, Mr O'Toole


Dr Aiken, Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Mrs Barton, Mr Beattie, Mr Beggs, Mr Butler, Mr Chambers, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Stewart, Ms Sugden, Mr Swann, Mr Wells


Ms Armstrong, Mr Blair, Ms Bradshaw, Mrs Long, Mr Lunn, Mr Lyttle, Mr Muir

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Butler, Mr Chambers


Total Votes                      83                                Total Ayes                      51        [61.4%]

Nationalist Votes             39                                Nationalist Ayes             27        [69.2%]

Unionist Votes                 37                                Unionist Ayes                24        [64.9%]

Other Votes                      7                                  Other Ayes                     0          [0.0%]


The following Members voted in both Lobbies and are therefore not counted in the result: Ms Bailey, Miss Woods

The motion was carried with cross-community support.


Northern Ireland Assembly

Papers Presented to the Assembly on
22 October 2019 – 11 January 2020

1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly

3. Orders in Council

4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly

UK Anti-Doping Ltd. Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019 (UK Anti-Doping Ltd.)

Review of the Northern Ireland Carrier Bag Levy (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)

Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Strategic Plan 2019-2021 (Department of Justice)

Tourism Northern Ireland Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Department for the Economy)

Tourism Ireland Annual Report 2018 (Department for the Economy)

Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals, Northern Ireland 2018 (Department of Health)

Department for Communities Annual Report 2018-2019: Welfare Supplementary Payments; Discretionary Support; Standards of Advice and Assistance; and Sanctions, October 2019 (Department for Communities)

Land and Property Services Trust Statement – Rate Levy Accruals Account Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Land and Property Services)

Waterways Ireland Annual Report and Accounts 2018 (Waterways Ireland)

Child Maintenance Service Annual Report on Decision Making 1 April 2018- 31 March 2019 (Department for Communities)

Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2018 (Department of Finance)

The Sports Council for Northern Ireland Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017 (Department for Communities)

The Commissioner for Children and Young People for Northern Ireland Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Department for Communities)

The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Department for Communities)

Libraries NI Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19 (Department for Communities)

Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 – Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Code of Practice, November 2019 (Department of Health)

Annual Report of the Lay Observer for Northern Ireland 2018/19 (Department of Finance)

The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland Annual Report 2018-2019 (Department of Health)

Special EU Programmes Body Annual Report and Accounts 2018 (Department of Finance)

InterTradeIreland Annual Report and Accounts 2018 (Department for the Economy)

Rural Needs Annual Monitoring Report 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2019 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)

Strategic Investment Board Limited Annual Review and Financial Statements 2018-19 (The Executive Office)

Belfast Metropolitan College Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2019 (Department for the Economy)

Northern Regional College Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2019 (Department for the Economy)

North West Regional College Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2019 (Department for the Economy)

South Eastern Regional College Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2019 (Department for the Economy)

Southern Regional College Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2019 (Department for the Economy)

South West College Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2019 (Department for the Economy)

Major Capital Projects (Northern Ireland Audit Office)

Victims and Survivors Service Limited Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Victims and Survivors Service)

The Commission for Victims and Survivors Annual Report & Accounts 2018/19 (The Executive Office)

Department for Communities Annual Report on Decision Making And Financial Accuracy 1 January to 31 December 2018 (Department for Communities)

Northern Ireland Police Fund - Annual Report & Accounts 2018-19 (Northern Ireland Police Fund)

Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute Annual Report and Accounts 2018-2019 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)

Maze Long Kesh Development Corporation Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19 (The Executive Office)

Memorandum of Understanding between DAERA and DFI with Regard to Drinking Water Quality (Department for Infrastructure)

Food Safety Promotion Board – Safefood Annual Report 2018 (Department of Health)

Loughs Agency Annual Report and Accounts for year ended 31 December 2018 (Loughs Agency)

5. Assembly Reports

6. Statutory Rules

SR 2019/204 The Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Prescribed Diseases) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/205 The Employer’s Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for the Economy)

SR 2019/206 The Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/207 The Misuse of Drugs (Designation) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Health)

SR 2019/208 The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Health)

SR 2019/210 The Eggs and Chicks and Poultrymeat (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/199 The Mental Capacity (Deprivation of Liberty) (No.2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Health)

SR 2019/200 The Mental Capacity (Money and Valuables) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Health)

SR 2019/209 The Waterways (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2019/213 The Social Security (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/214 The Rehabilitation of Offenders (Exceptions) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Justice)

SR 2019/215 The Occupational Pensions (Revaluation) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/218 The Official Feed and Food Controls (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Health)

SR 2019/219 The Meat (Official Controls Charges) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Health)

SR 2019/220 The Fishery Products (Official Controls Charges) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Health)

SR 2019/221 The Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/222 The Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments No. 4) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/ 223 The Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)

SR 2019/227 The Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)

SR 2019/228 The U7200 Ballygowan Road, Dromore (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2019/229 The Tarry Lane, Lurgan (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2019/230 The Plant Health (Official Controls and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)

SR 2019/232 The Mental Capacity (Deprivation of Liberty) (No.2) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Health)

SR 2019/233 The Crown Court (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Justice)

SR 2019/234 The County Court (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Justice)

SR 2019/235 The Family Proceedings (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Justice)

SR 2019/237 The Rules of the Court of Judicature (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) 2019 (Department of Justice)

SR 2019/238 The Magistrates’ Courts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Justice)

SR 2019/240 The Waste Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)

SR 2019/239 The Galway Drive, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2020/02 The Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal (Early Conciliation: Exemptions and Rules of Procedure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for the Economy)

SR 2020/03 The Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of the Economy)

SR 2020/04 The Industrial Tribunals (1996 Order) (Application of Conciliation Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of the Economy)

SR 2020/05 The Rates (Making and Levying of Different Rates) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Finance)

SR 2020/06 The State Pension Debits and Credits (Revaluation) Order (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for Communities)

SR 2020/07 The State Pension Revaluation for transitional Pensions Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2020/08 The Agriculture (Student fees) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)

SR 2020/09 The Police Pensions (Additional Voluntary Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Justice)

SR 2020/10 The Judicial Pensions (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department of Justice)

For Information Only

SR 2019/211 The Social Security (Iceland) (Liechtenstein) (Norway) (Citizens’ Rights Agreement) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/212 The Social Security (Switzerland) (Citizens’ Rights Agreement) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Communities)

SR 2019/216 The Parking Places (Disabled Persons' Vehicles) (Amendment No. 4) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2019/217 The Roads (Speed Limit) (No. 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2019/224 The Parking Places (Disabled Persons' Vehicles) (Amendment No. 5) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2019/225 The Ballysillan Park, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2019/226 The Ferrard Meadow, Antrim (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2019/231 The One-Way Traffic (Coalisland) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

SR 2020/01 (C.1) The Employment Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 (Commencement No. 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2020 (Department for the Economy)

7.   Written Ministerial Statements

8.   Consultation Documents

Department of Transport’s Consultation on the Introduction of Green Number Plates for Ultra-low Emission Vehicles (Department for Infrastructure)

Draft Social and Environmental Guidance for Water and Sewerage Services (2021-27) (Department for Infrastructure)

2021 Census: Topic Consultation for Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency)

2021 Census: Output Strategy Consultation for Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency) 

9.   Departmental Publications

Correction slip – Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Strategic Plan 2019-2021 (first laid 17 October 2019) (Department of Justice)

Correction slip – SR 2019/194 – The Passenger Goods Vehicles (Tacographs) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 (Department for Infrastructure)

2021 Census Northern Ireland Proposals, April 2019 (Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency)

2021 Census Proposal Information Event Presentation (Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency)

Northern Ireland Screen Commission Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Department for the Economy)

Department of Finance Minute 14th November 2019 under section 8(1) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act (Northern Ireland) 2001, directing that accruing resources may be used for certain purposes for the year ending 31 March 2020 (Department of Finance)

The Safety of Prisoners Held by the Northern Ireland Prison Service – A joint inspection by Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland and the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland)

10.   Agency Publications

Prison Service Pay Review Body Eleventh Report on Northern Ireland 2019 (Northern Ireland Prison Service)

11.   Westminster Publications

12.   Miscellaneous Publications