Committee for Finance - Committee Motion
Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Action Plan and Disciplinary Process
Briefing Information
The Committee for Finance has put down the following motion for debate:
That this Assembly takes note of the Executive’s RHI Action Plan and the outcome of the RHI disciplinary process; indicates its disappointment in respect of the lack of accountability and the failure of the Northern Ireland Civil Service to demonstrate that it has learned lessons from RHI and the consequent damage to public confidence; and calls on the Minister of Finance to thoroughly review the RHI Action Plan and the relevant disciplinary procedures for senior civil servants in order to improve transparency and accountability and thus prevent recurrence.
Relevant Documentation
In order to inform this debate, the following information is provided:
- Ministerial statement on RHI Disciplinary outcomes – 9 December 2021 (3 pages, 109KB)
- Committee correspondence RHI disciplinary process - 1 October 2021 (2 pages, 117KB)
- Adapted RHI Disciplinary Process (20 pages, 1239KB)
- Departmental correspondence on NICS Reform – 7 December 2021 (7 pages, 432KB)
- Ministerial correspondence RHI Action Plan – 29 October 2021 (3 pages, 402 KB)
- TEO MoU RHI Action Plan – 11 November 2021 (3 pages, 216KB)
- Executive Response on RHI Action Plan – 7 October 2021 (58 pages, 486KB)
- NICS summary of RHI recommendations and response – October 2021 (16 pages, 228KB)
- NICS RHI Lessons Learned Report – 2018 (18 pages, 266KB)
- NICS RHI Action Plan appendices – October 2021
- RHI Inquiry Report
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