Public Accounts Committee Meeting - 20 May 2015

The Public Accounts Committee met on Wednesday 20th May, 2015 at 2pm in Room 29, Parliament Buildings.

The Committee began in open session to discuss Correspondence received from a whistleblower regarding the NIFRS Pension Scheme and from the NIPSO ad-hoc committee. The Committee then received an introductory briefing in open session from the NIAO on the Inquiry into the Health and Social Care Sector (HSC) Report 2012/13 and 2013/14 and Private Practice on HSC Premises in Northern Ireland. 

The meeting then moved into closed session, when it received a full briefing from NIAO on the aforementioned report.  The Committee will then conduct a Preparation Session on the same report.  Finally, the Committee considered correspondence from Translink on the Inquiry into the Effectiveness of Public Transport in NI.

View the agenda.

View the minutes of proceedings.

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