Inquiry into Building a United Community

The Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister has completed its Inquiry into Building a United Community.

The purpose of the inquiry was to inform the Executive's approach in the actions it takes to tackle sectarianism, racism and other forms of intolerance; and to make recommendations in order to support and enhance policy in uniting communities and community integration, including how communities are involved in decision making.

The Terms of Reference outlined the areas under consideration by the Committee. A call for written evidence was made in autumn 2014 and the submissions received are available to view here

In January the Committee hosted a roundtable stakeholder event with 60 attendees to gather evidence in relation to the Inquiry. A report from the event is available here.

In February the Committee hosted an informal meeting with young people from the Bytes Project who presented their views on the Committee’s Inquiry. A report from the event is available here.

The Committee has now completed its report on the inquiry and it was debated in plenary on 28 September 2015   to coincide with Community Relations Week. The report on the inquiry is available here and the Official Report of the plenary debate is available here. The OFMDFM response to the Committee's recommendations is also available here.