Research Papers 2011

Synopsis: Here you will find a list of Committee for Justice research papers published during 2011.

Victims and Witnesses in the Criminal Justice System: Good Practice

- Date: 09/12/2011 - Author: Fiona O’Connell

This research paper provides information on examples of good practice initiatives in a range of jurisdictions including Northern Ireland in improving the experiences of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system.


The Status of Victims in the Criminal Justice System

- Date: 09/12/2011 - Author: Fiona O’Connell and Gareth Mulvenna

This paper provides information on the role of the victim in the criminal justice system and the pathway experienced by victims in the criminal justice system. The paper also provides information on studies by the Department of Justice and other agencies which provide insights on the experiences of victims in the criminal justice system.


Justice Related Issues in a UK Bill of Rights

- Date: 14/11/2011 - Author: Fiona O’Connell

In March 2011, the UK Government established an independent Commission on a Bill of Rights. The Commission published a discussion paper “Do we need a UK Bill of Rights?” in August 2011. This briefing paper will examine issues in the Commission's paper relevant to Northern Ireland.


Access to Justice

- Date: 12/10/2011 - Author: Fiona O'Connell

The Justice Committee commissioned research on key developments and thinking in legal aid and access to justice that have recently taken place in England and Wales and other jurisdictions with comparable legal systems to Northern Ireland. This paper provides an overview of the research. To facilitate the Members of the Committee for Justice in their consideration of proposals recommended by the Access to Justice Review, eight research papers have been prepared. They cover the following areas: Access to Justice: Eligibility in Criminal Legal Aid (110/11) Access to Justice: Eligibility in Civil Legal Aid (111/11) Access to Justice: Scope of Civil Legal Aid (112/11) Access to Justice: Alternative Dispute Resolution (113/11) Access to Justice: Remuneration (114/11) Access to Justice: Delivery of Advice and Alternative Business Models (115/11) Access to Justice Review: Money Damages (116/11) Structures for the Delivery of Legal Aid and Policy Matters (117/11)


Comparative Research into Sentencing Guidelines Mechanisms

- Date: 24/06/2011 - Author: Fiona O’Connell

This paper provides comparative research on sentencing guidelines mechanisms in 16 jurisdictions in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, the United States and South Africa.


Prisoners and Mental Health

- Date: 15/03/2011 - Author: Fiona O’Connell, Dr Lesley-Ann Black and Helena Maginness

This is a scoping paper on issues relating to prisoners and mental health and initiatives in other jurisdictions identified in a range of research reports.


Mechanisms for Review in Sex Offenders Register Systems

- Date: 15/03/2011 - Author: Fiona O’Connell

This briefing paper provides information on mechanisms for review of notification requirements in sex offender registration schemes in the Republic of Ireland, Canada and France.