NIA Bill 5/09 Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill
Submissions received regarding the Bill
- Northern Ireland Environmental Link
- Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure
- Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
- Department of Finance and Personnel
- Department for Social Development
- Ulster Farmers' Union
- Northern Ireland Local Government Association
- Northern Ireland Biodiversity Group
- Badgerwatch
- League Against Cruel Sports
- Northern Ireland Badger Group / Appendix 1 / Appendix 2
- Irish Hare Initiative
- Badger Trust
- Irish Hawking Club
- Animal Welfare Federation NI
- Katie Rutledge
- Lecale Conservation
- Trisha Lynn
- Barbara Haig
- Elizabeth Close
- Premier Woodlands
- Paul Lamb
- Department for Regional Development
- Department for Regional Development
- Hare Preservation Trust
- Countryside Alliance
- RSPB Annex 1 / Annex 2 / Annex 3
- Ulster Farmers Union
- Ulster Wildlife Trust
- Northern Ireland Marine Taskforce
- British Deer Society
- BASC Backgroud Paper On Snaring
- BASC Response To The Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill
- Countryside Alliance - Breeding Success and Causes of Breeding Failure
- Countryside Alliance - Integrating Field Sports, Hare Population Management
- Countryside Alliance - Supplementary Information
- ICC Licence
- ICC Submission to the Environment Committee
- QUB Press Release - Hares
- Environment Ctte NIBG Aide Memoire 4th March
- GAEC hedge cutting dates and the nesting seasons of birds in Northern Ireland
- Habitats and Birds Directives – additional information for the Environment Committee
- Scottish Biodiversity Duty
- How the NI Wildlife Bill proposals compare with Wildlife Orders in England, Scotland and Wales