Environmental Better Regulation Bill - Call for Evidence

The Environmental Better Regulation Bill was introduced into the Assembly on 22 June 2015. It is anticipated that the Committee Stage will commence on 1 July 2015.

The Committee therefore wishes to hear views from all interested parties in order to assist it with the scrutiny of the Bill.

Any organisation or individual with an interest is invited to submit evidence to the Committee by e-mail by completing the response template here and sending this by e-mail to


or responding by post to:

The Committee Clerk, Room 247, Parliament Buildings, Ballymiscaw, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3XX.

Your written submission must be structured to address specific clauses and schedules of the Bill and, if appropriate, should include any amendments you wish to propose to the text. You will wish to note that your submission (either in whole or part) will be published on the Committee website.

If you do not have access to the internet or e-mail facilities or you have any other enquiries, please contact the Committee Office on 028 9052 1240.
The closing date for submissions is Friday 7 August 2015.

The Environmental Better Regulation Bill (as introduced) and the Explanatory and Financial Memorandum can be found here.