Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment
2007 - 2011 Mandate - Research Papers
isted below are research papers produced by the Committee.
Session 2010 - 2011
1 December 2010 | Renewable Energy - Governance Structures |
4 October 2010 | Reform of Northern Ireland Credit Unions: Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 2010 |
30 September 2010 | The Energy Act 2010 |
27 September 2010 | Renewable Generation Data and Policy within Selected EU Countries |
13 September 2010 | Incentivising Renewable Electricity - a Comparison of Renewable Obligation Certificates and Feed-in Tariffs |
6 September 2010 | Tourism (Amendment) Bill 2010 (Paper providing an overview and discussion) |
6 September 2010 | Energy Bill 2010 (Paper providing an overview and discussion) |
Session 2009 - 2010
18 June 2010 | Fuel Prices |
14 June 2010 | Renewable Energy Event |
25 May 2010 | Report on the ETI Committee visit to the EU |
14 May 2010 | A Comparison of the Varney Review and the ERGNI Report on Corporation Tax Reform |
6 May 2010 | Major Fuel Suppliers in Northern Ireland |
May 2010 | Briefing Note on How the Committee can Influence any Decision on Whether to Allow Northern Ireland an Extension of Regional Aid Following 2013 |
22 March 2010 | Debt Relief Bill |
March 2010 | European Union Framework Programmes for Research and Development |
January 2010 | Renewable Energy Projects In Europe |
Session 2008 - 2009
15 June 2009 | Overview of Recession |
April 2009 | Marine Energy |
January 2009 | Wind Power and Intermittency |
December 2008 | The Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of Biofuel Production |
November 2008 | Financial Inclusion, Credit Unions and HM Treasury Latest Proposals for Credit Union Reform |
November 2008 | The Role and Contribution of Credit Unions in Great Britain |
November 2008 | Debt Relief Orders |
November 2008 | Briefing Paper - The Role of Credit Unions in Community Enterprise Initiatives in the Republic of Ireland |
6 October 2008 | Background Briefing on Invest NI |
September 2008 | Northern Ireland Economic Downturn |
September 2008 | Review of the House of Commons Business and Enterprise Committee Report "Energy Prices, Fuel Poverty and OFGEM" and its Implications for Northern Ireland |