Equality Screening: October 2014 - December 2014

During the period from 1 October 2014 to 31 December 2014, the Assembly Commission screened three policies and agreed to carry out an equality impact assessment (EQIA). You will find below details of the policies, their aims and the screening outcomes, and details of the EQIA.

Policy Name

Policy Aims

Screening Status


Business Justifications and Cases Policy.


The screening form is available here.

The purpose of the Business Justifications and Cases Policy is
to establish a clear and consistent approach to the governance and processing of related business decisions. The Business Justification and Cases Policy is intended to provide clarity, flexibility and proportionality to management and staff when they are required to use a business justification or case.

Screened out

Sept 2014

Events in Parliament Buildings and its Grounds Policy.


The screening form is available here.

The purpose of this policy is to solidify all previous regulations relating to the booking and facilitating of tours and functions into one document for ease of understanding to MLAs, their staff and the organisers using the services of the Events Office, as well as clearly defining the role and responsibility that the Events Office staff play in facilitating tours and functions within the Events Office. 

Screened out

November 2014

Staff Hours at Work Policy.


The screening form is available here.

The Staff Hours at Work Policy aims to support the operational needs of the Assembly, recognizing that the nature of this support and the times when it is needed may vary between different business areas within the Assembly Secretariat.

Screened out

November 2014

Engagement Strategy EQIA
The Assembly’s original Engagement Strategy covered the period from 2009 to 2013. Many of the recommendations and initiatives in that strategy have been implemented, and a new strategy has now been developed for the Assembly to further engage with the people of Northern Ireland. In order to do this effectively and ensure the strategy is reflective of the needs of stakeholders, an Equality Impact Assessment is being carried out. Further details on the EQIA and how you can respond are available here.

The Assembly Commission values comments on policy screening outcomes. Should you wish to comment on any of the policies listed above, or request documents in an alternative format, please contact:

Maria Bannon
Equality Manager
Telephone: 02890 418377
Text Phone: 02890 521209
Email: equality@niassembly.gov.uk