Equality Screening: July 2012 - September 2012

In the period from 1st July to 30th September 2012, the Assembly Commission screened two policies. The policies, their aims and the outcome of the screening exercises are detailed in the table below.

Historic Anniversaries to be marked in the 2011- 2015 Assembly Mandate is designed to reflect on our history and allow MLAs the opportunity to discuss the issues, give their own views and mark these events in an agreed way without causing controversy.

Historic Anniversaries aims:

  • To provide historical context and perspectives representing differing community historical views on each of the particular events being marked.
  • To show leadership by being inclusive, tolerant and respectful of our shared history and differing views on it.
  • To provide opportunities for discussion on differing views and perspectives to be given.

Following consultation with the Assembly Commission and Political Parties, some mitigating measures were added in order to reduce any possible impacts on Section 75 Groups. The policy was therefore screened out with mitigation.

The Child Protection Policy applies to all Assembly Secretariat employees, agency workers and inward secondees. The principles of the Policy also apply to contractors working in Parliament Buildings or events sponsored by the Assembly Secretariat in other venues on behalf of the Assembly Secretariat. The aims of the policy are to:

  • Support the promotion of a safe working environment and a culture of care in which the rights of all children and vulnerable adults are protected and respected.
  • Clarify the roles and responsibilities of all parties within the scope of the policy i.e. the DCP Officers, Secretariat staff, agency staff, inward secondees working on Assembly premises;
  • Develop clear guidance and procedures for those members of staff who will be working with children and vulnerable adults; Promote best practice in how Secretariat staff interact with children, young people and vulnerable adults attending Parliament Buildings, or events sponsored by the Assembly Secretariat in other venues.

The policy was consulted on with staff, TUS, Niccy and Volunteer Now.

Screening did not identify any impacts on Section 75 groups, and so the policy was screened out.

Policy Name

Policy Aims

Screening Status


Historic Anniversaries

To reflect on our history and allow MLAs the opportunity to discuss the issues, give their own views and mark these events in an agreed way without causing controversy

Screened out with mitigation

August 2012

Child Protection Policy

Develop clear guidance and procedures for those members of staff who will be working with children and vulnerable adults

Screened out

September 2012

The Assembly Commission would value any comments on these policy screening outcomes. Should you wish to forward any comments or request any documents in an alternative format, please contact:

Maria Bannon
Equality Manager
Telephone: 02890 418377
Text Phone: 02890 521209
Email: equality@niassembly.gov.uk