Equality Screening: January 2013 - March 2013

During the period of 1st January 2013 to 31st March 2013 the Assembly Commission screened three policies. The policies, their aims and the outcome of the screening exercises are detailed in the table below.

The Visitor Conduct and Behaviour Policy aims to ensure that Assembly core business and other events can proceed without interference or disruption from visitors. Mitigation of any adverse impact upon Political Opinion has been supported through the ‘three signatures’ policy to ensure cross party support for events in Parliament Buildings.

The CCTV Policy aims to provide guidance to the Security team on current legislation governing the monitoring, recording and storage of CCTV images. Staff training and pictorial signs aim to ensure that all users of the building are aware of the CCTV. No impacts on Section 75 groups were identified, and so the policy was screened out.

The Information Assurance Policy sets out the procedures in respect of all matters concerning the use, storage and transfer of information. It establishes a protective marking system to ensure the appropriate application of protective measures is applied to information requiring safeguard. The objective of protective marking is to manage the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. The policy is procedural and guided by legislation, and no impacts were identified on Section 75 groups. The policy was therefore screened out.

Policy Name

Policy Aims

Screening Status


Visitor Conduct and Behaviour Policy

To ensure that Assembly core business and other events can proceed without interference or disruption from visitors

Screened out with mitigation

January 2013

CCTV Policy

Aims to provide guidance to the Security team on current legislation governing the monitoring, recording and storage of CCTV images

Screened out

February 2013

Information Assurance Policy

Sets out procedures in respect of all matters concerning the use, storage and transfer of information

Screened out

February 2013

The Assembly Commission would value any comments on these policy screening outcomes. Should you wish to forward any comments or request any documents in an alternative format, please contact:

Maria Bannon
Equality Manager
Telephone: 02890 418377
Text Phone: 02890 521209
Email: equality@niassembly.gov.uk