Equality Screening: April 2013 - June 2013

During the period of 1st April 2013 to 30th June 2013 the Assembly Commission screened a number of policies. The policies, policy aims and the outcome of the screening exercises are detailed in the table below.

Good Relations Strategy and Revised Good Relations Action Plan

The Good Relations Strategy 2012-2016 and associated Action Plan follows on from work carried out through the 2010-2011 Good Relations Action Plan which outlined a comprehensive programme of good relations work. The first Good Relations Action Plan was approved by the Assembly Commission on 21 January 2010, the second Good Relations Action Plan and Good Relations Strategy and was approved by the Commission at its meeting held on 25 September 2012.

The policy will enable the Assembly Commission to put in place measures which will promote good relations when it is providing the property, staff and services required for the Assembly to carry out its work.

Management of Deputising & Temporary Promotion Arrangements

In April, the HR Office screened the Management of Deputising & Temporary Promotion Arrangements policy.

On occasions, there is a requirement for a staff member to temporarily undertake duties and responsibilities at a higher grade. This can be managed on two ways (i) Deputising or (ii) Temporary Promotion.

The purpose of this policy is to confirm to managers and staff the procedures which must be followed when considering the need to fill vacancies on a temporary basis by the application of Deputising or Temporary Promotion arrangements.

Exhibitions Policy

The Assembly Commission in 2010 approved a Good Relations Action Plan.  One of its six shared aims was Participation.  Under this Aim of Participation, the Action Plan stated that through its Engagement Strategy, the Commission would develop partnerships with public bodies, agencies, schools and others to foster a sense of belonging to an integrated and mutually supportive society in which diversity is valued and welcomed.  It also noted that as Parliament Buildings hosts a large number of events and visitors each year it has a significant opportunity to play a leading role in the encouragement of dialogue, shared learning and mutual respect for different faiths and cultural backgrounds. 

One way of taking forward this area of work has been to develop an  Exhibitions Policy in order to provide a governance framework to regulate the use of exhibitions in Parliament Buildings.

The policy was screened by a panel and was extensively consulted on with Members, staff and other interested parties.  The screening document was then formally consulted on from 2 May 2013-7 June 2013.  No comments were received.

Policy for the Use of IT Resources (MLAs and non-Secretariat Staff)

The necessity for this policy derives from a recommendation contained in the “Report on the Unauthorised Disclosure of a Draft Report of the Public Accounts Committee” produced by the Interim Assembly Commissioner for Standards and published by the Committee on Standards and Privileges on 20th June 2012.

“Recommendation 15 - The Code of Practice for the Use of Assembly Computer Resources, which currently exists in draft form only, should be finalised and made operational in order that the monitoring of the use of Assembly email services by all users, including Members, as referred to in paragraph 5.4 of that draft document, may be undertaken.”


Policy Name

Policy Aims

Screening Status


Good Relations Strategy and Revised Good Relations Action Plan The policy will enable the Assembly Commission to put in place measures which will promote good relations when it is providing the property, staff and services required for the Assembly to carry out its work.
Screened out
April 2013

Management of Deputising & Temporary Promotion Arrangements

To provide guidance and clarity on the procedures for temporary promotion/deputising.

Screened Out

April 2013

Exhibitions Policy

To provide a governance framework to regulate the use of exhibitions in Parliament Buildings.

Screened Out

June 2013

Policy for the Use of IT Resources (MLAs and non-Secretariat Staff)

The Policy and accompanying guidance detail the acceptable use of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) resources provided to Assembly Members and non-Secretariat staff.  

Screened Out

June 2013

The Assembly Commission would value any comments on these policy screening outcomes. Should you wish to forward any comments or request any documents in an alternative format, please contact:

Maria Bannon
Equality Manager
Telephone: 02890 418377
Text Phone: 02890 521209
Email: equality@niassembly.gov.uk