Introduction to the draft Disability Action Plan consultation (Video transcript)

This is a written transcript of our video introducing the consultation on the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission draft Disability Action Plan 2025-2030.

John Gow (Northern Ireland Assembly Equality Unit): 

The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission is consulting on its draft Disability Action Plan 2025 to 2030.

The consultation period will run from the 11th November 2024 to the 17th of February 2025.

Under Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission is required to have due regard to the need to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities, and encourage participation by people with disabilities in public life.

These are known as the Disability Duties.

Section 49B of this act places a duty on the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission to prepare a plan outlining how it proposes to fulfil the Section 49A duty.

The draft Disability Action Plan 2025 to 2030 sets out a number of actions on how the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission proposes to fulfil the disability duty.

More detail on the Draft Disability Action Plan is included in the consultation document, which is available on the Northern Ireland Assembly website.

We encourage you to respond to the consultation to let us know your views on our proposals.

We want to make sure that this draft action plan will make a real difference to people with disabilities.

Your contribution will be invaluable in helping us to achieve our goal of a fully accessible Assembly.