Research Publications 2018

Synopsis: The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service (RaISe) produces a number of Research publications each year. These cover a variety of topics which are of interest to Members, Committees and the general public.

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Number    Date
02/18 A comparison of the planning systems in Ireland and Northern Ireland
A joint paper by the Oireachtas Library & Research Service and the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service. This paper describes and compares aspects of the current land use planning systems operating in Northern Ireland (NI) and Ireland. It also explores some considerations around the impacts of Brexit and the two planning systems, particularly in relation to the border region.

Multiple deprivation in Northern Ireland
This paper examines multiple deprivation levels across Northern Ireland using the most recent deprivation measures available.
The Paper begins with an age profile of Northern Ireland. The paper then provides summary information from the new Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM) 2017 relating to the top 10 per cent of the most deprived SOAs in Northern Ireland at constituency level. The relative change in deprivation levels from the previous measure (NIMDM 2010) is also examined.
