Research Publications 2008

Synopsis: The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service produces a number of Research publications. These cover a variety of topics of interest to Members, Committees and the general public. 2008 papers are published below.

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Number Title
133/08 The 'Supporting People' Programme
132/08 Urban Regeneration in Northern Ireland
131/08 The Charities Bill
130/08 Procurement and Social Housing
129/08 Developer Contributions in the Delivery of Social and Affordable Housing
128/08 Town Centre Regeneration Inquiry
127/08 The EU 'Pesticides Package'
126/08 The Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of Biofuel Production
125/08 Strategic Business Review of the Social Security Agency
124/08 People and Place: A Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal
123/08 Social and Affordable Housing in Europe
122/08 The Status of Scottish and Northern Irish Banknotes
121/08 EU Sub-National Governments
120/08 Parliamentary Funding – A Comparative Analysis
119/08 Public Procurement and SMEs
118/08 Financial Inclusion, Credit Unions & HM Treasury Latest Proposals for Credit Union Reform
117/08 Debt Relief Orders
116/08 The Role of Credit unions in Community Enterprise Initiatives in the Republic of Ireland
115/08 The Role and Contribution of Credit Unions in Great Britain
114/08 Gender Equality
113/08 Government and the Voluntary and Community Sector in Northern Ireland: Timeline of Key Developments
112/08 Latest Developments in the Regulation of the Private Rented Sector in England
111/08 Community Use of School Premises
110/08 Community Use of School Premises Bill
109/08 The Common Funding Formula
108/08 The New Housing Agenda for Northern Ireland
106/08 Planning for Flooding and the Impact of Climate Change
105/08 Review of the House of Commons Business and Enterprise Committee Report "Energy Prices, Fuel Poverty and Ofgem" and its Implications for Northern Ireland
104/08 Northern Ireland Economic Downturn
103/08 Procedures Governing Private Legislation in Other Legislatures
102/08 Public Transport Reform - Process To Date
101/08 Public Transport Reform - Best Practice
100/08 Public Transport Reform - Analysis of Strategic Business plan Options
99/08 Improving Services for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
98/08 Presumption of Death Bill
97/08 Briefing Note: Flooding in Northern Ireland
96/08 Health Effects of Electric Fields and Interconnectors
95/08 Synopsis of ROI Regulatory Assessment and Mandatory Renewables in Scotland
94/08 The Reliability and Costs of Renewable Technology
93/08 Museum Policy in Northern Ireland
92/08 The Public Authorities (Reform) Bill 2008
91/08 Health and Social Care (Reform) Bill
90/08 Definition of Vocational Education and Training
89/08 Scale of the Education and Skills Authority
88/08 Europe's Innovation Landscape
87/08 Residents' Parking Schemes - A Comparative Study
86/08 Civil Registration Bill
85/08 Implementation of the UNCRC by the UK: NGO Alternative Report
84/08 Aid for Pigmeat Industry
83/08 Poultry Waste Incineration
82/08 Early Retirement Scheme for Farmers
81/08 Background Information for the Red Meat Seminar being held on 13th March 2008
80/08 An Overview of Innovation in Northern Ireland
79/08 Economic Development Agency Performance - A Comparison
78/08 ETI Committee Motion on Rising Energy Costs
77/08 Nova Scotia Business Inc
76/08 Primary School Funding
75/08 Committee System and Structures Survey
74/08 United Nations Committee on the rights of the child: Northern Ireland's report on the implementation of the UNCRC
73/08 Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
72/08 The Draft Criminal Justice (NI) Order 2007
71/08 The Northern Ireland Court Service
70/08 A Rapid Transit Network for Belfast metropolitan area - Summary of key findings
69/08 Vocational Education and Training in Finland and Germany
68/08 Speed Management in Northern Ireland
67/08 Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments: Draft Planning Policy Statement 18 - Renewable Energy
66/08 Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments: Draft Planning Policy Statement 14 - Sustainable Development in the Countryside
65/08 Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments: Planning Policy Statement 11 - Planning and Waste Management
64/08 Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments: Major Planning Applications
63/08 Overview of Planning Policies relevant to Rural Waste Management Developments
62/08 The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
61/08 The National Qualifications Framework
59/08 Training in Tourism and Hospitality in Northern Ireland
58/08 Policy responsibilities of the Court Services in Northern Ireland, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland
57/08 Comparative analysis of procedures governing The Right of Reply and Prior Notification in Legislative Chambers
56/08 Comparative analysis of procedures governing Amendments to Amendments on Legislation
55/08 Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: Dealing with the Past
54/08 The Children and Young Persons Commissioner for Northern Ireland
53/08 Best Practice with regard to Employment Schemes for People with a Disability
52/08 Disability: Current Protection, Comparative Analyses and Options for Enhanced Protection
51/08 Disability and Transport
50/08 Comparative Analysis: Experiences in Dealing with Post Office Closures
49/08 Comparative Analysis of Draft Budget 2008-11
48/08 Partial Selection and Banding in Schools in England and Northern Ireland
47/08 The Lisbon Treaty - Application of the Principle of Subsidiarity
46/08 Finnish Education System
45/08 Utility Regulation and Sustainable Development
44/08 Mesothelioma, Etc. Bill
43/08 The Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Bill
42/08 "Twenty's Plenty" Schemes
41/08 Variable Speed Limits Outside Schools: Pilot Schemes in the Republic of Ireland

Variable Speed Limits Outside Schools: A Scottish Case Study

39/08 Improving Stroke Services in Northern Ireland
38/08 Review of Public Administration
37/08 Irish Hare
36/08 All-Ireland Species Action Plan for the Red Squirrel (Sciurus Vulgaris)
35/08 Article 31 Planning Decisions in Northern Ireland - Legislative Background and Process
34/08 Potential Impacts of National Parks Designation with Particular Reference to the Proposed Mournes National Park
33/08 Tyrone to Cavan Interconnector
32/08 Climate Change Bill
31/08 The Carer's Allowance Bill 2008
30/08 Briefing Series on the Eurpoean Union:
Diagrams of Key Decision-Making Processes/Procedures used in European Union Institutions
29/08 Briefing Series on the European Union:
Supplemental Briefing Note: Key Aspects of Legislative Scrutiny Arrangements for European Union Matters in the Republic of Ireland
28/08 Briefing Series of the European Union: The Current Position of the EU Reform Treaty
27/08 Briefing Series on the European Union:
Briefing 3 - Legislative Scrutiny Arrangements for European Union Matters in the United Kingdom and Other Member States
26/08 Briefing Series on the European Union:
Briefing 2 - Relevancy of the European Union Law and Policy to Northern Ireland Devolved Governance
25/08 Briefing Series on the European Union:
Briefing 1 - European Institutions and Decision-Making Processes
24/08 Committee for the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister:
Inquiry into Child Poverty
The Measurement of Severe and Persistent Childhood Poverty
23/08 Comparing Child Poverty in Northern Ireland with Other Regions
22/08 Reducing Childhood Poverty Comparative Research

Conflicts Of Interests


Sustainable Development


Comparative Planning Systems


School Transfer At Age 14


Strand One Report – Technical Annexes


Childcare Provision In The UK And Republic Of Ireland


Strand Two Recommendations And Water Framework Directive Compliance


Northern Ireland Water 6 Month Interim Report Of Strategic Business Plan


The Building Regulations (Amendment) Bill (Northern Ireland) 2008


Proposals For Health And Social Care Reform In Northern Ireland:
A Comparative Perspective


Water Reform And The Affordability Of The Affordability Tariff


UK Marine Bill White Paper


Committee For The Office For The First Minister And Deputy First Minister
Child Poverty Inquiry
Tackling Severe Childhood Poverty


Health Outcomes/Benefits Of Sport And Physical Recreation


An Overview Of Innovation In Northern Ireland


Follow up Research to Committee Meeting 30/01/08
The Location of Public Sector Jobs


The Relocation Of Public Sector Jobs In England, Scotland And The Republic Of Ireland


Child Health Inequalities And The Links To Child Poverty


The Phasing Out Of Industrial De-Rating In Northern Ireland


Charities Bill Briefing Note On Designated Religious Status


A Comparison Of International Tax Varying Powers