Publications 2010

Synopsis: The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service produces a number of Research publications. These cover a variety of topics of interest to Members, Committees and the general public. 2010 papers are published below.

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Number Title

An Overview: Ireland’s Bailout and associated Budget for 2011
This paper summarises the key aspects of the Irish bailout, and the Government’s associated recovery plans, including the Irish Budget for 2011 announced by Finance Minister, Brian Lenihan, on 7 December 2010.


Armed Forces and Veterans Bill 2010 - Update
This Briefing Note updates the Bill Paper: Armed Forces and Veterans Bill 2010 (194/10) of 8 December 2010.


Historic health and social care expenditure: comparative analysis
The paper presents expenditure on health and social care in Northern Ireland in a comparative context.  It is intended that it will serve to deepen the Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety’s understanding of the level to which health and social care has historically been funded in Northern Ireland and to support its scrutiny of the Executive’s Budget 2010 proposals.


EU Commission Work Programme 2010: Finance and Personnel
The Committee for the Office of the First and deputy First Minister’s Report on its Inquiry into Consideration of European Issues (January 2010) made a series of recommendations. This briefing paper outlines the initiatives which were identified as being of potential significance for the Committee for Finance and Personnel. 


Armed Forces and Veterans Bill 2010
This bill paper provides analysis of the provisions of the Armed Forces and Veterans Bill 2010. 


Participation of Attorneys General in Parliamentary proceedings and duties relating to Members’ Interests
This research paper looks at the application of Codes of Conduct to the relevant law officers in the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales, the House of Commons and the Oireachtas.


Resource DEL: Administrative Cost Controls
This Briefing Note sets out the rules for, and purpose of, administrative costs limits and programme control totals within Resource Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL). The purpose of this explanation is to point at a possible route of inquiry that the Committee, and indeed other statutory committees of the Assembly, may wish to follow with their respective departments in relation to the Budget 2010 process. 


Free School Meal Entitlement as a Measure of Deprivation
This briefing paper considers the use of Free School Meal Entitlement (FSME) as a proxy indicator for deprivation. It presents a brief outline of FSME as a measure of deprivation and possible alternatives, considering their relative strengths and weaknesses. It finds that while there are many limitations to using FSME as a measure of deprivation, there are also challenges associated with other potential measures.


Apartment Developments' Management Reform Bill
This paper provides a briefing on the proposed Private Members’ Bill concerning management reform in apartment developments to the Assembly’s Finance Committee.


Update – Recent Developments in Mandatory Landlord Registration
The purpose of this briefing paper is to assist the Committee for Social Development in its consideration of the Housing (Amendment) (No.2) Bill by providing, for comparative purposes, an overview of recent developments in mandatory landlord and tenancy registration in Scotland, England and the Republic of Ireland.  This paper is a follow-up to two previous papers on landlord and tenancy registration regimes: Briefing Paper 77/09 and Briefing Paper 19/10


Comparison of the DCAL Draft Museums Policy and CAL Committee Recommendations
This Briefing Note provides a comparison between the draft Museums Policy for Northern Ireland , released for consultation on 24 July 2010, and the recommendations for such a policy made by the CAL Committee inquiry into the development of a museums policy held in 2008 .


Funding and Governance Arrangements for the Irish Language Voluntary Sector: Recent Developments and Background Information
This briefing paper provides background information about the Irish Language voluntary sector.  It summarises the legal basis and responsibilities of the North/South Language Body, and more particularly Foras na Gaeilge. The paper provides information about recent policy developments and details a number of concerns which have been expressed about the new funding arrangements.


Renewable Energy – Governance Structures
The following paper is intended to compliment Northern Ireland Assembly Research Paper 145/10 Renewable generation data and policy within selected EU countries by examining the national and sub-national governance structures of Denmark, Finland and Germany, and their relationship to renewable energy.


The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study: Carers and the Domestic Rating System
The Committee for Finance and Personnel has been considering the issue of providing support to carers through the domestic rating system - this briefing note outlines the options.


Construction Contracts (Amendment) Bill
This paper examines the Construction Contracts (Amendment) Bill that was introduced to the Assembly by the Minister of Finance and Personnel on 26 April 2010. Responses to DFP's consultation are considered along with issues raised during consultation on equivalent legislation in Great Britain.


Pleural Plaques: Numbers, Costs, and International Approaches
This paper examines assessments of the financial impact of the draft Damages (Asbestos-related Conditions) Bill and seeks to put the proposed legislation into an international context.


Student Non-Continuation Rates in Northern Ireland and the UK
This paper was commissioned by the Committee for Employment and Learning and examines the student non-continuation rate in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
The paper provides data on student enrolment and non-continuation rates in Northern Ireland and a comparison with the other UK regions.  It concludes by discussing factors in non-continuation.


Autism Bill
This Paper provides information to support consideration of the Autism Bill, which was introduced into the Assembly on 8th November 2010. The Autism Bill aims to enhance the provision of services to and support for people with conditions which are on the autistic spectrum.


Economic Briefing:November 2010
This paper summarises current economic conditions in Northern Ireland.  It is intended to provide an overview of a range of economic indicators, including current growth projections, labour market and property market conditions, as well as the outlook for inflation / interest rates. Key data and messages are presented upfront in the Executive Summary in an attempt to provide an ‘at a glance’ synopsis of the NI economy. 


Assembly Members (Independent Financial Review and Standards) Bill
This Bill seeks to establish a statutory independent body to determine Members’ pay and allowances. It will also create a statutory Standards Commissioner to investigate breaches of the Code of Conduct. Where appropriate, it draws comparisons with equivalent legislation in Scotland and Wales and provides an overview of practices in the House of Commons and Houses of the Oireachtas.


Potential Implications of the Browne Review for the Open University
This briefing note summarises some of the implications for the Open University following the publication of the Browne Review.


School Starting Age and Early Years Provision
This briefing paper considers the school starting age of children, and explores the form, content and funding of early years educational provision internationally.


Renewable Energy: Planning
This paper compares planning regimes in the UK and the Republic of Ireland with a focus on renewable energy development. 


Renewable Energy – Grid Connection
The following paper provides background information on connecting renewable generation to the electricity grid with reference to connection procedures in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Denmark and Germany.


Political donations and loans in Northern Ireland
This paper looks at the issue of political donations and loans to political parties in Northern Ireland. The paper draws on guidance issued by the Electoral Commission to regulated donees.


Clinical and Language Competency of Overseas Doctors Working in the UK
This briefing sets out the background to the language competency issue within the UK and extends the consideration also to clinical competency.


Justice Bill 2010
This paper provides an analysis of the provisions of the Justice Bill 2010.


Budget Simulators and Participatory Budgeting
This briefing note examines the use of budget simulators by public bodies for the purpose of online budget consultation.


The Northern Ireland Ombudsman
This briefing paper looks at issues surrounding the proposed Committee Bill to legislate for a single Northern Ireland Ombudsman. The paper compares proposals contained in the draft consultation paper with existing provisions in Scotland and Wales. It then focuses on two key issues: the proposal to grant the Ombudsman power to carry out systemic reviews and the implications of ‘following the public pound’ on smaller community/voluntary groups.


Update on Child Poverty
The purpose of this briefing paper is to update the Committee for OFMdFM on the UK and Northern Ireland’s progress on meeting the government’s poverty targets. The paper also outlines some current developments in the debate around child poverty and presents some key findings from new research on child poverty in Northern Ireland.


Parliamentary Voting and Constituencies Bill
This briefing paper looks at key aspects of the Parliamentary Voting and Constituencies Bill (PVC Bill) currently before Parliament. In particular, it addresses: the timetable for the legislation, the views of the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee in the House of Commons and the combined elections on 5 May 2011


Parliamentary Relationships and Europe
Background briefing prepared by the Research and Library Services of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Houses of the Oireachtas.


North South Parliamentary Forum Conference:The role of the EU in shaping issues and challenges in Agriculture
Background briefing prepared by the Research and Library Services of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Houses of the Oireachtas.


Current Management Structures and Costs of the HSC Trusts
The purpose of this briefing was to look at the corporate management structures and costs of the five HSC Trusts in Northern Ireland, using as a baseline the number of managers earning over £40,000 per annum. This paper provides a synopsis of its main findings, recommendations and a brief analysis.


The Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance
This Briefing Paper was commissioned by the Committee for Employment and Learning following the publication of the Independent Review of Higher Education and Student Finance (The Browne Review) . This paper provides a synopsis of its main findings, recommendations and a brief analysis.


A summary of the Fisheries Act 1966 in the context of European legislation
This briefing paper provides a brief analysis of the Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 within the context of more recent European legislation. It also examines some of the implications of the abolition in 2009 of the Fisheries Conservancy Board with regard to which government departments and bodies have responsibility for monitoring and enforcement.


The Section 75 Statutory Duty: changes to Equality Commission guidance
This briefing paper outlines the recent changes to Equality Commission (ECNI) guidance for public authorities on meeting their statutory duties under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.


A Comparison of the Varney Review and the ERGNI Report on Corporation Tax Reform
This paper has been commissioned by the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment in response to the debate surrounding the potential for a reduced corporation tax rate in Northern Ireland (NI).


High Hedges Legislation Review
There has not been a government review conducted on the High Hedge legislation which came into force in 2005 under Part 8 of the Anti-social and Behaviour Act (2003).


Tyre Disposal
Under the European Landfill Directive (2006) tyres are banned from being put into landfill. At the Environment Committee meeting on 23rd September, Members requested information on how tyres are disposed of in Europe and the measures taken by countries to ensure an audit trail of tyre disposal.


The Comprehensive Spending Review 2010: estimated impacts on Northern Ireland   This paper summarises the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), focusing on thepotential economic implications for Northern Ireland.

157/10 Public Attitude Survey 2009
This paper contains the results of research commissioned in 2009 to understand public attitudes towards the work of the Northern Ireland Assembly and to measure the level of public engagement with the Assembly on an on-going basis.
156/10 Legal Aid: A Country Comparison
This paper, which is based upon two significant research publications, presents comparative information on legal aid spending across a number of jurisdictions.
155/10 Legal Aid Supplementary Briefings
This paper is a follow-up to the ‘Information Briefing on Legal Aid Funding’. It addresses further issues and questions that were raised by members. In particular it examines: the role of the Legal Services Commissions in Northern Ireland and in England and Wales; a number of different legal aid developments that have been introduced in Northern Ireland; comparative legal aids cost in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
154/10 Information Briefing on Legal Aid Funding
This paper examines legal aid funding issues that have been highlighted from three sources – National Audit Office Report: The Procurement of Criminal Legal Aid in England and Wales by the Legal Services Commission and the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts.
153/10 Cost Per Prisoner Place
This briefing compares the cost of prisoner places across the UK and Republic of Ireland between 2005 and 2010. It also highlights caveats to using these figures to make like for like comparisons, given the different factors taken into account when they are collated by the relevant authorities.
152/10 European Commission Work Programme 2010: Social Development
This briefing paper contains the results of an initial screening of the work programme to identify initiatives contained in the European Commission's 2010 work programme which relate to the work of the Committee for Social Development.
151/10 Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill: Closure Powers
This short briefing paper was compiled to assist the Committee for Social Development in its deliberation of closure powers in relation to licensed premises and registered clubs. The paper provides an overview of proposed draft Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Order 2007 (initiated under Direct Rule) in comparison to the closure provisions contained within the Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill; a comparison of the current provisions in the Bill with closure powers in England and Wales under the Licensing Act 2003, and in Scotland under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005; and for illustrative purposes, some general background information on the operation of police closure powers.
150/10 European funding in Northern Ireland
This paper provides an overview of EU Regional Policy, which has played a significant role in promoting economic and social development in Northern Ireland, and the Peace Programmes which have provided additional support to achieving peace in Northern Ireland.
149/10 European Commission Work Programme 2010: Employment and Learning
This briefing paper contains the results of an initial screening of the work programme to identify initiatives contained in the European Commission's 2010 work programme which relate to the work of the Committee for Employment and Learning.
148/10 Comparison of European Commission and DoE Road Safety Strategies
This briefing note is a comparison of two recent road safety strategy documents, from the European Commission and the Northern Ireland Department of the Environment respectively.
147/10 Re-balancing Public Finances: Lessons from Past Experiences
This paper considers previous Governments’ attempts at re-balancing and summarizes some characteristics of those that were deemed to have been successful.
146/10 Incentivising Renewable Electricity – a Comparison of Renewable Obligation Certificates and Feed-in Tariffs
This Research Paper examines the two main financial incentives used to stimulate renewable electricity development in Europe.
145/10 Renewable generation data and policy within selected EU countries
This paper compares the renewable energy development policies utilised in Denmark, Finland, Germany and the UK. The focus of the paper is ‘newer’ renewable technologies rather than large-scale hydro which have been ruled out as an option for Northern Ireland.
144/10 Reform of Northern Ireland Credit Unions: Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 2010
As part of the wider reform of Northern Ireland credit union regulation, a legislative intervention at Westminster, to amend the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 , has been proposed. The proposal is necessitated by the wider transfer of regulation from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) to the Financial Services Authority (FSA). A legislative consent motion on the amendment is scheduled to appear before the Assembly on 11 October 2010. The following paper outlines the proposed amendment, which will be brought forward through clauses in the Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 2010.
143/10 Fuel Prices
This paper provides comparative detail on current fuel prices and how these prices are determined in different regions – Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.
142/10 Energy Bill (Northern Ireland) 2010
This Bill Paper provides an overview and discussion of the Energy Bill(Northern Ireland) 2010.
141/10 Energy Act 2010
The Energy Act 2010 (The Act) came into force on 8 April 2010, taking forward policies first proposed in the UK Low Carbon Transition Plan 2009 (The Transition Plan). This paper provides an outline of each of the measures introduced by the Act and supporting background information.
140/10 Energy Act 2008
The Energy Act 2008 (the Act), which received Royal Assent on 26 November 2008, implemented legislative measures first proposed in the Energy white paper 2007: Meeting the energy challenge. The following paper outlines the provisions of the Act that relate most closely to the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment’s current inquiry into renewable energy: Feed-in tariffs for small scale generation; changes to the renewable obligation; CCS; Smart Metering; and the Renewable Heat Incentive.
139/10 Tourism (Amendment) Bill 2010
Paper outlining the provisions contained in the Tourism (Amendment) Bill 2010, including commentary on the Bill’s proposals.
138/10 Positions of Trust Legislation and Sports Coaches
This paper examines Position of Trust provisions in the UK which are are set out in three pieces of legislation which correspond to the three separate jurisdictions. It looks at the case for extending positions of trust regulations in the UK has been put forward by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
137/10 The Status and Funding of Greyhound Racing
This paper examines the classification of greyhound racing in three regions the UK, the Republic of Ireland and Australia.
136/10 Eel Fishing Regulations 2010
This paper provides an outline of the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure’s Eel Fishing regulations 2010, as well as providing background information on the decline in eel population within the Northern Ireland river basin.
135/10 Cost of Car Insurance in NI: Scoping Paper.
This paper provides analyses the cost of car insurance across approximately 1700 UK postcode districts. It produces evidence which is consistent with that of the Consumer Council that on average, NI consumers pay significantly more than any other UK region for car insurance. Furthermore, at a city level, the five NI cities rank amongst the‘top ten’ most expensive areas in the UK; thus relatively expensive car premiums prevail throughout NI.
134/10 Withdrawn
133/10 The Relationship Between Home Internet Access and Educational Attainment in Children.
This paper looks at the correlation between home computer availability and higher educational achievement among children and young people.
132/10 Internet Safety for Children and Young People: Concerns and Policies.
This paper examines issues associated with children using the internet
131/10 DCAL’s Arms-Length Bodies: Accountability, Governance and Resources.
This paper provides some details of the arms-length bodies over-seen by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure. It describes the governance and accountability arrangements now in place as a result of the creation of the Governance Support Unit in 2009. Outline figures are provided, where available, for each of the arms-length bodies, covering income by source, expenditure and administration costs for each of the last three years. A number of topics are suggested for a possible inquiry into DCAL’s arms-length bodies.
130/10 DCAL’s Arms-Length Bodies
This paper provides brief information on the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure’s Arms-Length Bodies (ALBs), and provides some comparison with similar bodies elsewhere in the UK.
129/10 Dealing with the Past
This paper looks at the comparison between the Report of the Consultative Group on the Past and the Advice of the Commission for Victims and Survivors.
128/10 Departmental Spending Reductions in Culture, Arts and Sport.
This paper describes the funding reductions – either proposed or implemented – in culture, arts and sport funding across the UK and Republic of Ireland in response to government budget deficits and policy changes. It attempts to foresee some of the implications of these changes for the devolved administrations, including Northern Ireland.
127/10 Participation of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland in Assembly Proceedings
This paper supplements earlier Research Papers on the role of Attorneys General and focuses on the participation of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland in the proceedings of the Assembly following the devolution in April 2010 of justice matters.
126/10 Withdrawn. Please refer to Research Paper 158/11
125/10 Key Health Issues affecting Rural Communities
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is working on a draft Rural White Paper which aims to set out a long-term strategic vision for the development of rural areas. Addressing the health and wellbeing of the rural population presents a number of important challenges for policy makers. Some of the key issues for consideration are presented in this paper.
124/10 High Hedges-Fees and Appeals Process.
This paper looks at how authorities in Great Britain address the issues surrounding high hedges.
123/10 The Fox Hunting Ban in England
This paper looks at the effects of the hunting ban in England, in terms of the numbers now participating in hunting, the rural economy and employment with reference to the horse industry, farmers, and tourism. Finally it considers the future of the ban in relation to the proposals to repeal the Hunting Act 2004.
122/10 Potential impacts of the drop-off/pick-up zone at Belfast International Airport
This paper considers the issues surrounding the introduction a drop-off charge at the airport to use the new drop-off/pick-up zone.
121/10 Interconnectors and the Precautionary Principle
This paper examines the consideration of the precautionary principle in the planning and location of electric cabling/wires in England and Scotland.
120/10 Play Areas in Residential Developments NI
This paper considers provisions for play areas in new residential areas within Northern Ireland.
119/10 Planning Service in GB and ROI
This paper consists of comparisons of the planning service in Scotland, England and Wales, and the Republic of Ireland.
118/10 Achieving Modal Shift: experiences from Dublin and Cork
The rural population of Northern Ireland is growing, however the centralisation of jobs and services means that many will have to make regular journeys into these urban centres. Modal shift is a fundamental component of all sustainable transport models, and achieving it, to a level which makes a difference in terms of reducing the negative impacts of transport will arguably prove the single greatest challenge to delivering sustainable transport in Northern Ireland.
117/10 Permit arrangements for community transport providers in Great Britain
Over the last five decades the voluntary sector has increasingly provided passenger transport services that provide a vital lifeline to marginalised individuals and groups who use them. More recently government has recognised the benefit of such services in increasing social inclusion and as such the ‘community transport’ (CT) sector has been recognised in statute and has attracted funding support from government.
116/10 Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill: Alleygating
This briefing paper examines topics which arose from the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill - specifically the issue of alleygating.
115/10 Economic and Social Guidance for Water and Sewerage Services (2010-13)
In March 2009 The Department for Regional Development (the Department) published a Draft Environmental and Social Guidance for Water and Sewerage Services for the period 2010 – 2013. The purpose of the document “…is to provide the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (NIAUR) with guidance on the key environmental and social policies the Minister for Regional Development expects it to contribute to in carrying out its role in regulating the water industry.
114/10 Approaches to Aviation Strategy in the UK and Republic of Ireland
This paper examines the UK Governments White Paper, “The Future of Air Transport” which provides the strategic vision for the development of aviation across the United Kingdom (UK) up to 2030. This paper will analyse how this has been applied in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and since the publication of this document in 2003. This paper will also consider how aviation policy has developed, highlighting the Department for Transports (DfT) 2006 progress report and the 2009 House of Commons, Transport Committee report on the future of aviation.
113/10 Extent of the Mains Water Network in England, Wales, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland
This paper will identies the number of people in England, Wales, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland who are not connected to the mains water supply; the extent to which the existing network within each region extends; details of what support is provided by government to extend the existing network; and legislation that exists in each jurisdiction in relation to extending the network and the provision of assistance for properties to become connected.
112/10 Management of Utility Street Works: an international perspective
This paper examines what has been done in recent years to address the negative impacts of utility street work through various means including: policy; technology; innovation and management.
111/10 The Road Safety Authority in the Republic of Ireland.
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) is an official statutory body, formed in September 2006 following the passing of the Road Safety Authority Act 2006. Since the Act, functions were transferred to the RSA from the Department of Transport, the National Roads Authority and the National Safety Council, making it the first time in Ireland that activities associated with road safety are handled by a single statutory body.
110/10 Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill
This paper looks at the draft Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill by comparing it with legislation and similar provisions in other jurisdictions such as England and Wales, and the Republic of Ireland. It also looks at possible areas of contention in relation to the responses to the consultation exercise. Finally it considers possible lessons from the implementation of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (2005) in England and Wales.
109/10 Sustainable Urban Drainage-Policy and Legislation in NI.
Although there is no legislation as yet in place for SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage), the NIEA has produced a (Draft) Strategy to promote the uptake of SuDS in NI. ‘Managing Stormwater’1. This is to be delivered in 2010, subject to Ministerial approval. However, the following table lists current legislation, policies, strategies and guidance documents that make reference to SuDS
108/10 Ensuring Recyclate Quality
This paper explores the issue of recyclate quality. It examines the situation in the UK, where the lack of a specific piece of legislation means that quality standards are dictated by re-processors and materials recovery facilities (MRFs), resulting in a large variation of standards. It also considers how the issue is dealt with in Europe and North America, using a WRAP study conducted in 2006 and considers the EU Directive on Waste Shipment.
107/10 EU Guidelines for City Airports
This paper considers existing EU legislation for the operation of City Airports in relation to noise and the selling of seats.
106/10 Draft Waste and Contaminated Land (Amendment) Bill: Burden of Proof and Means of Defence – Comparative Legislation.
The Draft Waste and Contaminated Land (Amendment) Bill originally contained proposals for the definition of offences under Article 4 that would have seen the burden of proof for the illegal deposit of waste shifting from the enforcing authority to the landowner. In addition the proposals would have meant that an offence was committed where an illegal deposit of waste was made whether knowingly or otherwise. This briefing note provides a brief overview of other pieces of legislation developed in neighbouring legislatures and how they either have or haven’t dealt with this issue.
105/10 Welfare of Animals Bill
This paper provides an overview of the main proposals contained within the Bill. The paper also identifies those areas within the Bill which may prove to be contentious in the light of consultation responses received, views gathered from a variety of stakeholder events, and the Departmental responses to both.
104/10 The Dogs (Amendment) Bill
This paper provides an overview of the main proposals contained within the Bill. The paper also identifies those areas within the Bill which may prove to be contentious in the light of consultation responses received, the Departmental responses to the views received, and through a brief overview of similar dog control legislation within neighbouring countries.
103/10 Genetically Modified Organisms - Background and Latest EU Developments
This briefing paper provides a brief overview of the origins of Genetically Modified Organisms and their regulation and use across the EU and specifically within Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The paper also assesses the potential implications for Northern Ireland as a result of proposed changes to the EU mechanisms covering the authorisation and cultivation of GM crops.
102/10 Voting and Community Designation.
This briefing paper outlines key aspects of the voting and community designation systems in the Northern Ireland Assembly and highlights the relevant legislative provisions. Both the voting system and requirement to for MLAs to designate themselves reflect attempts to accommodate the opposing political interests in a divided society. proposals to reduce the number of Parliamentary constituencies, which will impact on the number of Assembly seats.
101/10 The Size of the Assembly and Number of Government Departments (includes Efficiency Review Panel).
This briefing note highlights key issues and developments relating to the number of MLAs in the Assembly, number of government departments and the relevant legislation. It also provides a brief description of the current arrangements in Scotland and Wales and gives an overview of proposals to reduce the number of Parliamentary constituencies, which will impact on the number of Assembly seats.
100/10 Multiple Mandates
This briefing note examines the issue of elected representatives holding dual or triple mandates, which has proved controversial, especially in Northern Ireland, whose MPs account for the vast majority of MPs holding dual mandates.
99/10 Coalition Government and the Power of Ministers and the Executive
This briefing note looks at key aspects of the nature of coalition government in Northern Ireland and the power and role of Ministers and the Executive. It outlines the legislative basis of the current arrangements and, where appropriate, also makes comparisons with the other devolved legislatures in the UK.
98/10 An Overview of Recent Developments in Alcohol and Licensing Reform in Other Jurisdictions.
This Briefing Paper discusses the Minister for Social Development intentions (outlined in a Departmental Press Release on 19 August 2010), to introduce proposals to control irresponsible drinks promotions for pubs, clubs, supermarkets and other outlets - and looks at the recent developments in Alcohol and Licensing Reform in England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland.
97/10 Meeting with Local Banks
This paper considers some of the key issues faced by businesses in Northern Ireland, as identified by the Institute of Directors (IoD) survey on bank lending and/or previous meetings between the Committee and bank officials. The following primary concerns are addressed: difficulties in accessing credit facilities (whether renewed, extended, or new); increases in banking costs (interest rates, fees and charges); and relative lack of uptake of Government assistance schemes (EFG, EIB, etc).
96/10 The Proposed SBNI and Links to the DHSSPS
This briefing note reviews how other established Public Bodies in Northern Ireland are linked to the relevant Departments in legislation.
95/10 The Transport Bill (2010)
This paper provides background to the key issues in public transport reform which have led to the drafting of the Transport Bill.
94/10 The Commissioner for Older People Bill.
Research by the OFMDFM and the Age Sector confirmed that there is significant need and a strong case for establishing an independent Commissioner for Older People in Northern Ireland. This paper explains what the Commissioner for Older People Bill will achieve and summarises some of the key issues that emerged from the public consultation.
93/10 Reviewing the Case for an Older People’s Commissioner for Northern Ireland.
This Paper provides an overview of a report by Deloitte examining the case for creating a Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland. Deloitte was also to advise on the potential role and remit of a Commissioner. A key conclusion in the report was that there was a need for a Commissioner for Older People.
92/10 Northern Ireland Departmental Funding of Youth Groups.
This Briefing Note identifies the level of funding provided by NI government departments to youth groups in Northern Ireland. It is not exhaustive and should be considered a “snap shot” of youth funding in NI.
91/10 Review of Regional Colleges Annual Reports and Financial Statements
This Briefing Note provides an overview of the current financial situation for each of the Northern Ireland Regional Colleges and highlights any potential points of interest for the Committee.
90/10 Review of NIAES Reports
This briefing note provides key points and a brief discussion of three reports by the Northern Ireland Adviser on Employment and Skills (NIAES). The reports are: Improved Engagement of SME’s (Small to Medium Enterprises); Recovering the Unemployed and the Economically Inactive and Improved Leadership and Management.
89/10 Ensuring Delivery of the Cross-Cutting Themes in the Programme for Government
This paper is a discussion of some of the key lessons for cross-cutting working provided by research within this area, largely by Central UK Government over the last decade. The paper also examines approaches in other jurisdictions such as Scotland, the Republic of Ireland, Sweden, Hong Kong and New Zealand.
88/10 Housing (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill
The Housing (Amendment) (No.2) Bill contains provisions to facilitate better regulation of the private rented sector & to promote more effective housing management through information sharing in respect of anti-social behaviour. It also introduces new tools for tackling fuel poverty and clarifies existing legislation in respect of homelessness.
87/10 Scottish Medical Students Funding
This briefing was commissioned following queries raised regarding the funding system available to Scottish Medical Students. The paper will detail the systems currently in place for Northern Ireland and for Scotland.
86/10 Effect of Free School Meals Nutrition on Educational Attainment
This briefing note provides a discussion of academic research on the effect of free school meals (FSM) on educational attainment, a review of existing research including studies based on Jamie Oliver’s “Feed Me Better” campaign, the effects of nutritional intake on children and the economic benefits of introducing healthier meals into schools.
85/10 European Commission Work Programme 2010: Health, Social Services and Public Safety
This briefing paper contains the results of an initial screening of the European Commission's 2010 work programme to identify initiatives contained therein which relate to the work of the Committee for Health, Social Services & Public Safety.
84/10 Attempts to Curb Anti-social Behaviour in Student Areas through Housing Legislation
This briefing was requested by the Committee for Employment and Learning in order to examine the strategies used by other regional assemblies to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) in student areas through the use of housing policy. It will discuss the background to ASB in student areas, Northern Ireland’s response to this activity and will examine legislation introduced in Scotland and its effectiveness in curbing ASB.
83/10 Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment – Renewable Energy Event
This paper provides details of the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment Renewable Energy Event including content of workshop discussions as well as additional information
82/10 Funding the United Kingdom’s Devolved Administrations
The purpose of this briefing paper is to examine proposals that have emerged in Scotland and Wales making (notably different) cases for reform of the way in which those respective administrations’ public expenditure is financed.
81/10 Rural to Urban Journeys
This reserch paper discusses the prevalence of car journeys which are made from rural to urban areas of Northern Ireland in order to access essential services and employment.
80/10 Safeguarding Board Bill
This Bill paper sets out the historical background and context of the Safeguarding Board Bill, including current legislation, relevant statistics, recent work on child protection in Northern Ireland and the need for reform. The paper then introduces the Bill with some overarching issues that merit attention as a backdrop to the consideration of the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland.
79/10 A Central Budget Committee for the Northern Ireland Assembly: Some Considerations.
This research paper looks at models for the purpose and design of a budget committee from international examples and suggests some issues that need to be considered if the Northern Ireland Assembly to establish one. Relationships with sectoral committees are highlighted and some legal issues considered.
78/10 Comparison of Current and Proposed Guidelines for SEN Assessment.
This Briefing paper compares the two sets of guidelines, for the assessment of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) which have operated across all the Boards September 2009, with proposals contained in the Department of Education’s (“The Department”) review of SEN and Inclusion ‘Policy Proposals Consultation Document – The Way Forward for Special Educational Needs and Inclusion’.
77/10 Education Nurture Groups
This Briefing paper provides information on the origin of nurture groups, their cost-effectiveness, various sources of funding and research studies that have been conducted in England and Scotland.
76/10 Review of Northern Ireland Housing Associations’ Reserves
Prepared for the Assembly Research and Library Service by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
PricewaterhouseCoopers was commissioned by the Assembly Research and Library Service on behalf of the Social Development Committee to research certain aspects of the finances of the housing associations in Northern Ireland. [Annexes are not included but will be made available on request]
75/10 Third Party Capture
This Briefing paper was commissioned following concerns raised by a number of groups on third party capture whereby an insurance provider will typically settle the claim directly with the third party rather then negotiate via a solicitor, resulting in less fair treatment and compensation than if they followed the standard existing practice for insurance claims. The paper provides an analysis of figures on Compensation Recovery for Northern Ireland released by the Minister for Social Development and a discussion regarding the available data on third party capture.
74/10 Total Place
This briefing note is designed to provide information on Total Place. Total Place has been described as "…an ambitious initiative that will consider how a ‘whole area’ approach to public services can lead to better services at less cost."
73/10 Safeguarding Children between the Jurisdictions of Northern Ireland, Great Britain and The Republic of Ireland
The paper highlights some of the key work that has taken place over recent years to improve the safeguarding of children across the jurisdictions.
72/10 Employment (No 2) Bill
This paper provides background to and an overview of the Employment (No 2) Bill, which was introduced into the Assembly on the 7th June 2010. The purpose of the Employment (No 2) Bill is to introduce new arrangements for workplace dispute resolution and to introduce a new right for time for training. In addition the Bill will repeal existing statutory grievance procedures.
71/10 The Cost of Insurance in Northern Ireland
This paper provides a discussion on research into insurance costs in NI and GB and consideration of state sponsored insurance schemes.
70/10 Bill Paper: High Hedges
This Paper considers the new High Hedges Bill for Northern Ireland. It gives background on the need for such legislation, a brief overview of the provisions within the Bill, making comparisons where possible, to legislation in England and Wales. The rest of the paper looks at the areas of issue in relation to responses to the consultation, the Department’s reply to these and any relevant opinions from Members of the Assembly. Finally, it considers any useful lessons that can be learnt from England and Wales.
69/10 Scoping a Possible Committee Inquiry into ‘Successful Secondary Schools – which have succeeded in raising standards and/or maintaining good standards in the face of social and/or economic deprivation’
This Research Briefing is a scoping exercise to inform the Education Committee of a range of issues around educational attainment.
68/10 An Introduction to the Republic of Ireland’s Local Integrated Transport Services Pilot Project.
The LITS pilot project was the result of a request from the Irish Minister for Transport in 2009 to seek greater integration and efficiencies in transport provision. The project aims “to assess how key stakeholders can work together in partnership to achieve greater synergies, meet identified transport needs and deliver increased value for money for the Exchequer”. This pilot focuses on transport for people with disabilities.
67/10 Review of UK’S Free–to–Air Listed Events Regime.
The government can intervene when it feels that citizens should be able to access special or nationally significant events by ensuring they appear on free-to-air television channels. In April 2008 the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport (SOS) initiated a review of the UK’s free-to-air listed events regime.
66/10 Insurance Incentives for Completion of the Advanced Driving Test
The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) is one of the executive agencies that form the Motoring and Freight Services group, within the Department for Transport. As part of their role in improving driving standards and increasing road safety they endorse the following schemes designed to facilitate better and safer driving.
65/10 Capital investment programme for the DHSSPS
This paper presents details of the current capital investment programme with the Department for Health, Social Services and Public safety (DHSSPS).
64/10 The Local Government (Finance) Bill
This paper gives an overview of the main proposals of each of the parts of the Bill; highlighting the areas which appear to be most contentious, while taking into account the Department’s responses to the opinions received, and the questions raised from respondents during the consultation.
63/10 European Commission Work Programme 2010
The Committee for the Office of the First and deputy First Minister's 'Report on its Inquiry into Consideration of European Issues', contained a series of recommendations addressed to the Executive together with a number of actions which were for the Assembly itself to address. This briefing paper contains the results of an initial screening of the European Commission's 2010 Work Programme to identify initiatives which relate to the work of the Justice Committee.
62/10 European Commission Work Programme 2010
The Committee for the Office of the First and deputy First Minister's 'Report on its Inquiry into Consideration of European Issues', contained a series of recommendations addressed to the Executive together with a number of actions which were for the Assembly itself to address. This paper contains the results of an initial screening of the European Commission's 2010 Work Programme to identify initiatives which relate to the work of the COFMdFM.
61/10 Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill
The Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill was introduced to the Northern Ireland Assembly on 17 May 2010. The Bill constitutes the first stage of liquor licensing reform in Northern Ireland. This paper provides an overview of the main aspects of the Bill which include new closure powers for the PSNI in respect of licensed premises and registered clubs; the introduction of a penalty points system; a new statutory proof of age scheme; more flexible accounting requirements for registered clubs and an increase in the number of occasions on which registered clubs may apply for later opening.
60/10 Resources for Budget Scrutiny
This paper examines the resources available to support legislatures in their role of scrutinizing budgetary proposals from the executive. First, the resources in the jurisdictions of Great Britain and Ireland are presented along with some discussion of their effectiveness. Second, some international models for supporting budget scrutiny are considered.
59/10 The Sunbeds Bill
This paper considers the issues surrounding the introduction of a Bill preventing the use of sunbeds by persons under-18 years of age and providing a legislative framework to which all commercial sunbed premises will be required to adhere.
58/10 The Caravans Bill
This paper considers the issues surrounding the introduction of a private member’s Bill to bring Northern Ireland into line with the rest of the UK in respect of rights and responsibilities of holiday and residential caravan owners and caravan site owners.
57/10 New Snare Technology
This paper considers the need to update snare designs to ensure that their use and operation fall in line with the more humane practices stipulated in current legislation under the Nature Conservation Act 2004, and the more recent Snare Order, which came into force on the 11th of March 2010.
56/10 The Wildlife and Natural Environment (Northern Ireland) Bill 2010
This Bill paper considers the provisions introduced in The Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill 2010. It focuses on the main areas addressed by the Bill; looking at the background of each of the areas, and what the clauses addressing each of the areas intend to introduce.
55/10 How the NI Wildlife Bill Proposals compare with Wildlife Orders in England, Scotland and Wales
The original legislation covering the protection of wildlife and the environment in England, Wales and Scotland is the Wildlife and Countryside Act which came into force in 1981. Many of the proposals in the Northern Ireland Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill can be linked to changes that have been made to legislation in England/Wales and Scotland over recent years.
54/10 Proposed Private Members Bill - The Missing Children and Young Person’S Bill
This paper looks at the proposed Missing Children and Young Person’s Bill and examines current provision for young runaways and missing children in England, Wales, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland. The paper also provides a summary of the key research already undertaken in relation to young runaways and missing children.
53/10 Progress of the Barroso Action Plan
This paper outlines progress to date of the Barroso Action Plan against set targets and provides details of who the Committee should engage with in Europe in relation to it.
52/10 European Union Framework Programmes for Research and Development
This paper was commissioned by the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment to identify means of getting the most for Northern Ireland from the Framework Programme 7 and influencing and planning for the introduction of the next Framework Programme beginning in 2014.
51/10 How the Committee can influence any Decision on whether to allow Northern Ireland an Extension of Regional Aid following 2013
Changes to the rules around Regional Aid for the post-2013 period will have significant implications for the scale and nature of support that government can offer businesses in Northern Ireland. This paper outlines how decisions are made and by whom, whether any other exceptions are being considered, how and through whom the Committee may influence any decision.
50/10 Role of the EU Energy Regulator
This paper paper examines the role of the EU Energy Regulator and how it relates to Northern Ireland. It will examine the two existing Regulator bodies, the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG). The paper will also discuss the new European wide regulator, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) which will come into effect in March 2011.
49/10 Renewable Energy Projects in Europe
This paper identifies potential Renewable Energy Projects in Europe which may be of interest in any future visit to the European Union structures in Brussels. It examines Renewable Energy projects in and around Brussels up to a distance of approximately 200 miles and includes projects in Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands.
48/10 Comparison of Electrical Installation Standards in Northern Ireland and Scotland
This paper was commissioned by the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment following discussions with the Northern Ireland Electricity Standards Lobbying Group (NIESLG) regarding the lack of electricity installation standards in Northern Ireland (NI).

Major Fuel Suppliers in Northern Ireland

This paper identifies the major heating and transport fuel suppliers in Northern Ireland including the four main importers of oil based products to the region.  Also included is a brief discussion regarding which other Statutory Committees have overlapping responsibilities with CETI in this area.

46/10 Proposed Private Members Bill - The Missing Children and Young Person's Bill
This paper looks at the proposed Missing Children and Young Person’s Bill and examines current provision for young runaways and missing children in England, Wales, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland. The paper also provides a summary of the key research already undertaken in relation to young runaways and missing children.
45/10 Considerations for Reform of the Budget Process in Northern Ireland
This paper reviews the Northern Ireland budget process in the light of international best practice in open budgeting, fiscal transparency and current practice in other jurisdictions. Particular attention is paid to the provision of budgetary and financial information to the Assembly and its statutory Committees.
44/10 Care Packages
This Research Paper describes in detail the policy, practice and statistics of domiciliary care, particularly for older people, in Northern Ireland and also covers more briefly similar information for England, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland. The paper closes with a selection of concluding comments on progress in this area of care.
43/10 Developing New Child Protection Safeguarding Structures in Northern Ireland
The central aim of this research briefing is to provide an overview of the DHSSPS’s policy proposals relating to the pending introduction of safeguarding legislation and the establishment of new safeguarding structures in Northern Ireland.
42/10 Historical Abuse Systemic Review: Residential Schools and Children’s Homes in Scotland 1950 to 1995
Following a debate in the Scottish Parliament on 1 December 2004 seeking an inquiry into past institutional child abuse, the then Minister for Education and Young People, Peter Peacock, announced his intention to appoint an expert to independently analyse the laws, rules and regulations that govern children’s establishments, how they were monitored and how they worked practice. This short briefing note highlights the main points from the Review.
41/10 The Inquiry into Child Abuse in Ireland
The Government of Ireland initiated an inquiry into institutional child abuse in 1999. The inquiry was carried out by The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (CICA) which was established by legislation in 2000. This briefing note provides an overview of that Inquiry.
40/10 Findings from School Group Discussions
This paper provides a ‘snap-shot’ of young people’s experiences and impressions of sports and physical activity. The research also presented an opportunity to explore the decline in participation levels which often occurs when individuals move from young adulthood into adulthood.

Findings from Stakeholder Conference on Sports and Physical Activity Participation
This paper presents the key findings of the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure’s stakeholder conference (25 March 2010), facilitated by Northern Ireland Assembly Research Service.

38/10 Policing and Justice
This information Briefing contains information extracted from a range of sources to provide the recently established Justice Committee with a broad overview of a range of policing and justice matters.
37/10 Alternative Financial Delivery Models for Affordable Housing
This is the second of two briefing papers aimed at assisting the Committee for Social Development in determining the terms of reference for a potential inquiry into housing. The purpose of this paper is to provide a broad overview of a number of alternative financial delivery models for affordable housing.
36/10 Road Deaths and Age Groups of Road Deaths in Countries Worldwide
This paper gives statistics on the number of road deaths by age groups in the UK, Republic of Ireland and other countries worldwide, for international comparison. The second section of the paper focuses on the differences in enforcement and attitude between some of the countries displayed in section one.
35/10 Enforcement of Speeding on Rural Roads in the UK and Europe
This paper looks at the different types of speeding enforcement on rural roads in the UK and throughout Europe. It considers examples of best practice and gives a brief overview of mean speeds and speed limit violations on rural roads for a select number of European countries.
34/10 Drug Driving Testing Mechanisms used Globally
This Paper looks at the current ways in which police can detect if motorists who are driving are experincing the affects of using drugs. It looks at the testing procedures, and the devices used.
33/10 Police Seizure of Vehicles in Scotland
This paper considers the legislation regarding the seizure of vehicles by police in Scotland, with regard to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 and the Antisocial Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004.
32/10 European Commission's Impact Assessment System
This Briefing Note provides an introduction to the European Commission's Impact Assessment System and discusses it in relation to engagement with the EU policy making process.
31/10 Future Cohesion Policy and Structural Funds
Structural Funds are investment mechanisms used to deliver cohesion policy and any debate on their future will be inextricably linked to the debate surrounding future cohesion policy. This paper examines this debate and provides a summary of opinion from within two Member States, the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
30/10 The Forestry Bill
The Forestry Bill contains 39 clauses and 2 schedules which will replace the existing legislation, the Forestry Act (NI) 1953. It seeks to establish new powers that will allow the department to give equal weight to these uses vis à vis the more traditional uses such as timber supply and afforestation.
28/10 Unsolicited Services (Trade and Business Directories) Bill
This paper provides background to and an overview of the Unsolicited Services (Trade and Business Directories) Bill, which was introduced into the Assembly on the 23rd of March 2010. The purpose of the Unsolicited Services Bill is to bring Northern Ireland law into compliance with an EU Directive.
27/10 Community Transport: Provision in England, Scotland, Wales and The Republic of Ireland
This paper describes the provision for Community Transport (CT) in the United Kingdom (UK) and Republic of Ireland (ROI) providing a discussion of the legislative framework in these jurisdictions as well as an examination of funding sources for community transport
26/10 Independent Investigation Service in Wales to Address Abuse Accusations Against Teachers
This Briefing Note looks at the legislation and guidance that has been put in place in Wales to address accusations of abuse made against school staff. The legislation was passed in response to recommendations in an Inquiry conducted by the Children’s Commissioner.
25/10 Scoping Brief to Inform a Potential Committee Inquiry into Housing
This is the first of two briefing papers aimed at assisting the Committee in determining the terms of reference for a potential inquiry into housing. This first paper provides an overview of some of the issues the Committee has already noted as part of its consideration of the key issues paper published by the Commission on the Future of Housing in Northern Ireland.
24/10 Debt Relief Bill
This paper provides background to and an overview of the Debt Relief Bill, which was introduced into the Assembly on the 9th March 2010. The purpose of the Debt Relief Bill is to establish a Debt Relief scheme similar to the one which has been in operation in England and Wales since the 6 April 2009. The aim of Debt Relief scheme is to provide a debt relief remedy for the financially excluded who have relatively low liabilities, little surplus income and few assets, and who subsequently cannot afford the cost of petitioning for bankruptcy.
23/10 Local Government (Disqualification) (Amendment) Bill
This paper considers the provisions introduced by the Local Government (Disqualification) (Amendment) Bill. It gives a brief background account of the current legislation covering the disqualification of a person as a councillor; some of the views expressed regarding the holding of two or more positions; and finally, a summary of the proposals of the new legislation.
22/10 An Analysis of Employment and Insolvency Law
This paper was commissioned by the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment to examine Employment and Insolvency legislation for discrepancies within the law. It discusses any evidence regarding breach of these regulations, using information provided by Industrial Tribunals, Court Cases and other relevant sources.
21/10 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
This Briefing Note outlines the activities which Member States have organised at national, regional and local levels, to increase public awareness of poverty and social exclusion during European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion (EY2010)
20/10 The Environment and Natural Environment (Northern Ireland) Bill 2010
This paper considers the provisions introduced in The Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill 2010. It focuses on the main areas addressed by the Bill; looking at the background of each of the areas, and what the clauses addressing each of the areas intend to introduce.
19/10 Mandatory Landlord Registration Schemes - A Further Examination of the Scottish Model
As a follow-up to Briefing Note 77/09, this paper is intended to provide the Committee for Social Development with more detailed information on the operation of the Scottish Landlord Registration Scheme.
18/10 Barriers to Sports and Physical Activity Participation
This Research Paper examines barriers to sports and physical activity participation and how they affect specific socio-cultural and socio-economic groups.
17/10 Barriers to Participation in Sports and Physical Activity – Role of Education
This briefing note supplements the Northern Ireland Assembly research paper ‘Barriers to sports and physical activity participation’ and provides further information on education as a determinant of activity levels among adults.
16/10 Noise Measurement of Air Traffic in Northern Ireland
This briefing note discusses the ways in which noise is measured, and thc concept of noise mapping - which is the current method used for measuring airport noise in Northern Ireland.
15/10 EU Structural Funds (Regional Policy) Comparing Allocations to Wales and Northern Ireland
This Research Paper compares the European Structural Funds allocation under regional policy for Wales and Northern Ireland for the programming period 2007-2013
14/10 Legal Rights of Children and their Parents and the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Inclusion Policy Review
This briefing paper looks at current legislation that enforces the rights of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and their parents in Northern Ireland. It also looks at the Code of Practice and its Supplement providing guidance for the implementation of the legislation for schools.
13/10 Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 and the 2009 Amendment Act
This Briefing Paper looks at the 2004 Act, the rationale for its amendment and the amendments that were introduced in the Bill. It also considers concerns that have been raised around similarities in the 2004 Act and the proposals for changes to the SEN framework in Northern Ireland.
12/10 Special Education Needs (Information Act) 2008
This briefing paper looks at the background and rationale for the Act; the information that is gathered, by whom and for what purpose; and whether similar provisions for the collection of information are in operation in Northern Ireland or planned in policy proposals in the special educational needs (SEN) Review.
11/10 Roads (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill
This paper provides an analysis of the Roads (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill which aims to introduce measures to update and amend roads related legislation here in Northern Ireland. It covers the managing of Events on Roads as well as Permit Schemes for works on roads
10/10 Withdrawn
09/10 The Role of Infrastructure Investment in Stimulating Economic Growth during a Recession, with examples from Australia and USA
This paper looks briefly at Australia and USA as two examples of countries currently investing heavily in their infrastructure to improve efficiency for the long term competitiveness of their economies.
08/10 Investigating Parliamentary Standards: a Comparison
This paper provides a description of the investigatory mechanisms in place in the House of Commons, the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales and the Dáil Éireann in relation to the registration of Members’ financial interests and alleged breaches of relevant codes of conduct.
07/10 The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill
This paper explores the background to the Bill and provides an overview of provisions of the Bill which includes the power of district councils to enter into contracts regarding their assets and services; local government reorganisation addressing existing councils’ contracts, statutory transition committees; severance payments; and councils’ ability to take over land.
06/10 Methods of Budgeting
This paper presents different approaches to budgeting in the public sector along with case studies of their application by various organisations internationally.
05/10 The Principles of Planning Sequencing in Relation to Wind Energy
The purpose of this research paper is to give an overview of the planning procedures in the UK, Republic of Ireland (ROI) and EU countries such as Germany and Denmark. It also gives details on incentives used to increase wind energy generation in each of the countries mentioned.
04/10 Transitional Relief
This briefing note looks at transitional relief in England, Scotland and Wales, the Republic of Ireland, Germany and Denmark.
03/10 Presumption of Advancement
This briefing note outlines what presumption of advancement means, provides examples, and sets out its current legal application in Northern Ireland, England and Wales.
02/10 A Volunteering Strategy for Northern Ireland
The purpose of this briefing note is to inform the Committee for Social Development’s consideration of the consultation on the proposed Volunteering Strategy for Northern Ireland. It provides background information on the development of the strategy and its key objectives and proposals.
01/10 Student Tuition Fees
This briefing note provides information on student tuition fees for undergraduate courses in the UK, Ireland and Europe