British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly (BIPA)

The principal objective of BIPA is to contribute to a mutual understanding between Britain and Ireland through its work and through informal contacts.  Members of the Westminster and Dublin Parliaments have gained a greater insight into common areas of concern for the two countries.  Several past and present UK and RoI Government Ministers have been Members of the Body when backbenchers.

The NI Assembly’s membership of BIPA is as follows:

Full Members 

Steve Aiken
Maurice Bradley
Kate Nicholl
Colin McGrath
Pat Sheehan

Members (associate):

Cathal Boylan
Alan Chambers
Eoin Tennyson

BIPA has two Plenary Sessions each year, alternating between the two countries.  The Body normally debates matters of political and general concern, reports from its Committees and Government responses, and a question period with a Minister from the host country. 
