Committee expresses concern over fish kill in River Faughan

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 04 August 2016

Reference: AERA 02/16/17

The Assembly’s Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee (AERA) has expressed its concern and disappointment that thousands of fish have been killed in the River Faughan.

Committee Chairperson, Linda Dillon MLA, said: “All incidents of fish kill are of concern. The River Faughan is an important salmon river, and the fact that fish kill occurred is immensely disappointing. Over the past number of years, local fishermen and the community have made real efforts to improve the number of salmon in our rivers and this latest fish kill is a disheartening setback.

“Ensuring the quality of our lakes and rivers is of paramount importance to all of us, and we are calling on the Northern Ireland Environment Agency to definitively identify the cause of this pollution as well as those responsible. We believe those responsible must be held accountable for their actions.

“The Committee expects to be kept informed of NIEA’s investigation; and of any measures that will be put in place to prevent incidents like this from occurring in the first instance.”


Committee Membership:

Ms Linda Dillon MLA (Chairperson)
Ms Caoimhe Archibald MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Sydney Anderson MLA
Mr Maurice Bradley MLA
Mr David Ford MLA
Mr William Irwin MLA
Mr Patsy McGlone MLA
Mr Harold McKee MLA
Mr Oliver McMullan MLA
Mr Edwin Poots MLA
Mr Robin Swann MLA