Media Operational Notice

Assembly to be Recalled for Plenary Sitting

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 16 July 2021

Having received more than 30 signatures from Members of a number of parties, the Speaker has issued a notice this morning for a sitting of the Assembly at 12pm on Tuesday 20 July 2021 to debate the following motion:

That this Assembly believes that victims and survivors should have a full, material and central role and input into the content and design of structures to address the legacy of the past; rejects the proposals contained in the British Government’s Command Paper 498 ‘Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland’s Past’ for a statute of limitations in relation to criminal investigations and prosecutions and its further proposals in relation to ‘current and future civil cases and inquests’; further believes that these proposals do not serve the interests, wishes or needs of victims and survivors nor the requirements of truth, justice, accountability, acknowledgement and reconciliation; recalls the approach to dealing with the legacy of the past agreed at Stormont House which also forms the basis of an international treaty between the UK and Irish Governments; calls on the British Government to withdraw its Command Paper 498; further calls for a commitment by all parties and the British and Irish Governments to truth, justice, acknowledgement, accountability and reconciliation as essential to address the requirements of victims and to demonstrate how these requirements will be addressed in legacy arrangements; and calls for this Assembly to renews its commitment to address the legacy of the past, fulfil the requirements of truth, justice, acknowledgement, accountability and reconciliation and to oppose the British Government introducing legislation to impose its proposals.

Date: Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Time: 12pm (noon)

Venue: Assembly Chamber, Parliament Buildings


The Order Paper and indicative timings will be available later this afternoon.

The meeting will be streamed live on the Assembly website.


For media enquiries contact:

The Communications Office

Phone: 07899 864 368
