Media Operational Notice

Young women bring ‘Balance for Better’ message to the Assembly

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 07 March 2019

To celebrate International Women’s Day on Friday 8 March 2019, the Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly will host a special debate in the Assembly Chamber. The event will bring together over 70 young women from 28 schools and youth organisations from across Northern Ireland.

The young women will make statements on issues ranging from health and education to increasing female participation in politics and the work place. The event is supported by the Northern Ireland Assembly Women’s Caucus.

Photography, filming and media interviews will be permitted at this event, please see details and media arrangements below:

Media Opportunities:

Members’ Dining Room/Room 115 – Networking Event:       

12pm – 1pm: Filming, photography and interviews opportunities with event participants and with the Northern Ireland Assembly Woman’s Caucus Chairperson, Megan Fearon MLA and Deputy Chairperson Kellie Armstrong MLA. To arrange filming and/or interviews, please notify the Communications Office in advance.

Northern Ireland Assembly Chamber – Young Woman’s Debate:   

Please note that filming and photography will not be permitted in the Assembly Chamber.

However, Assembly Broadcasting will be compiling a video file of selected shots from the debate for use in news packages. If you would like to obtain footage you should contact the Communications Office to arrange FTP transfer. Photographs from the Chamber will also be available, upon request.


For further information, please contact:

Sinead Murphy
Deputy Communications Officer
Northern Ireland Assembly
Tel: 028 90525938              
Mobile: 07899 864368