Media Operational Notice
Current Access Arrangements to Parliament Buildings for Permanent Media Pass Holders and those entitled to a Media Day Pass
Session: Session currently unavailable
Date: 07 July 2020
Permanent media pass holders may access Parliament Buildings as normal, please note that you will be required to produce your pass in order to gain access to the building.
Media personnel, including production staff who do not have a permanent media pass, must present a form of ID from their media outlet and/or be accompanied by a permanent pass holder.
If they haven’t already done so, media who do not hold a permanent pass will be required to complete and sign the Assembly’s Media Code of Conduct form before being provided with a media day pass.
Please ensure that social distancing rules are observed and that directions from Assembly security staff are adhered to.
For any enquiries, please contact:
The Communications Office
Phone: 028 90525938