Order Paper
Reference: OP 118/17-22
Date: 29 September 2021
1. Prayers
2. Members’ Statements
3. Question Time
3.1 Health
4. Private Members’ Business
Second Stage: Small-Scale Green Energy Bill (NIA Bill 33/17-22)
Mr John O’Dowd
Motion: Failure to investigate allegations of Irish state collusion
That this Assembly reiterates its opposition to Her Majesty’s Government’s plans for legislation to address the legacy of the past in Northern Ireland as outlined in the Command Paper published on 14 July 2021; regards any statute of limitations for Troubles-related offences to be in violation of the principle that everyone must be equal under the law and equally subject to the law; stresses that all allegations of wrongdoing should be investigated in a fair and proportionate way regardless of the nature of the offence or the jurisdiction in which it was committed; highlights the need to preserve legal routes to justice for innocent victims; condemns the longstanding failure by government and police oversight bodies in the Republic of Ireland to address substantive allegations of collusion in atrocities committed by the IRA; notes with deep concern the refusal by the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission to commission an investigation in the case of Ian Sproule, who was murdered in 1991; opposes the preconditions set by the Irish Government for exchanging information integral to legacy investigations; and calls on the Irish Government to fulfil its obligations under international human rights law to provide an effective investigation into claims of state collusion in acts of terrorism and facilitate timely access to justice and truth for affected victims and their families.
Mrs Diane Dodds
Mr Thomas Buchanan
5. Adjournment
- Impact in Foyle of Removal of Universal Credit Uplift
Mr Mark Durkan