Order Paper

Reference: OP130-1722

Date: 16 November 2021

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business


The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

1. Prayers

2. Public Petition

Extend the High Street Voucher Scheme to 16 and 17 year-olds

Mr Pádraig Delargy

3. Executive Committee Business

Consideration Stage: Health and Social Care Bill (NIA Bill 18/17-22)

Minister of Health

Motion: The Local Government Auditor’s Draft Code of Audit Practice 2021


That the Local Government Auditor’s Draft Code of Audit Practice 2021 be approved.

Minister for Communities

Second Stage: Support for Mortgage Interest etc (Security for Loans) Bill (NIA Bill 42/17-22)

Minister for Communities

Consideration Stage: Horse Racing (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 20/17-22)

Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

4. Question Time

4.1 Finance

5. Committee Business

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage – Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill (NIA Bill 35/17-22)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 28 January 2022, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill.

Chairperson, Committee for Health

6. Adjournment