Order Paper

Date: 07 December 2021

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.


1. Prayers

2. Executive Committee Business

Motion: Accelerated Passage – Social Security (Terminal Illness) Bill (NIA Bill 47/17-22)


That the Social Security (Terminal Illness) Bill proceed under the accelerated passage procedure.

Minister for Communities


Second Stage: Social Security (Terminal Illness) Bill (NIA Bill 47/17-22)


Minister for Communities


Motion: The draft Direct Payments to Farmers (Simplifications) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022


That the draft Direct Payments to Farmers (Simplifications) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022 be approved.

Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs


Final Stage: Horse Racing (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 20/17-22)


Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Consideration Stage: Financial Reporting (Departments and Public Bodies) Bill (NIA Bill 21/17-22)


Minister of Finance


Final Stage: Damages (Return on Investment) Bill (NIA Bill 16/17-22)


Minister of Justice


Final Stage: Health and Social Care Bill (NIA Bill 18/17-22)


Minister of Health


Legislative Consent Motion: Advanced Research and Invention Agency Bill


That this Assembly endorses the principle of the extension to Northern Ireland of the provisions of the Advanced Research and Invention Agency Bill relating to the establishment of the Advanced Research and Invention Agency and powers for the Secretary of State to make grants to that body.

Minister for the Economy


3. Question Time

3.1 Finance

3.2 Assembly Commission


4. Adjournment