Order Paper

Date: 06 December 2021

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

The Assembly to sit at noon.

1. Prayers

2. Members’ Statements

3. Public Petition

Fairness for Caravan Owners

Mr Jim Allister

4. Executive Committee Business

Further Consideration Stage: Criminal Justice (Committal Reform) Bill (NIA Bill 11/17-22)


Minister of Justice


Motion: The draft Smoke-Free (Private Vehicles) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021


That the draft Smoke-Free (Private Vehicles) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 be approved.


Minister of Health


Motion: The draft Nicotine Inhaling Products (Age of Sale and Proxy Purchasing) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021


That the draft Nicotine Inhaling Products (Age of Sale and Proxy Purchasing) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 be approved.

Minister of Health


Motion: The draft Tobacco Retailer (Fixed Penalty) (Amount) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021


That the draft Tobacco Retailer (Fixed Penalty) (Amount) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021 be approved.

Minister of Health


5. Question Time

5.1 Economy

5.2 Education


6. Private Members’ Business      

Second Stage: Hunting of Wild Mammals Bill (NIA Bill 43/17-22)


Mr John Blair


7. Adjournment