Order Paper

Reference: OP 91/17-22

Date: 26 April 2021

1.   Prayers

2.   Public Petition

Additional Parking and Traffic Calming around St. Conor’s Primary School, Omagh

Mr Daniel McCrossan


3.   Executive Committee Business

Second Stage: Horse Racing (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 20/17-22)

Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs


4.    Question Time

4.1     Health

4.2     Infrastructure


5.   Private Members’ Business

Motion: Academic Selection and the Transfer Test


That this Assembly notes the recent publication of Ulster University's Transforming Education Research Paper on Academic Selection and the Transfer Test; further notes that this is yet another report which outlines the psychological harm that academic selection causes to children; acknowledges the finding within the report that there is little evidence that social mobility is increased by academic selection; agrees with the conclusion articulated in the report that the current arrangements for school transfer at age 11 are damaging the life-chances of a large proportion of the school population; and calls on the Minister of Education to act in the interests of children and the wider education system by ending the use of academic selection as a means of determining post-primary transfer.

Mr Pat Sheehan

Ms Nicola Brogan

Mr John O’Dowd


6.   Adjournment