Order Paper

Reference: OP 81/17-22

Date: 08 March 2021

Indicative timings for today's business.

The Assembly to sit at noon.

1. Prayers


2. Public Petition

Urgent Provision of a Detox and Centre of Excellence for Addiction for the Derry City and Strabane District Council Area

Ms Karen Mullan


3. Assembly Business

Motion: Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill - Standing Order 34


That the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission be asked to advise whether the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill is compatible with human rights.

Ms Paula Bradshaw


4. Executive Committee Business

Consideration Stage: Budget Bill (NIA Bill 17/17-22)

Minister of Finance


5. Question Time

5.1 The Executive Office

5.2 Communities


6. Committee Business

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage: Protection from Stalking Bill (NIA Bill 14/17-22)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 10 December 2021, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Protection from Stalking Bill (NIA Bill 14/17-22).

Chairperson, Committee for Justice

Motion: Amend Standing Order 112


Leave out Standing Order 112(8) and insert:

(8) Except where paragraph 8A applies, a notice under paragraph (3) must be given to the Speaker's Office not later than 9:30am on the sitting day (or as the case may be the first sitting day) on which M intends P to vote on M's behalf.

(8A) This paragraph applies where M becomes aware, in the course of a sitting day, that he or she is required to self-isolate in order to comply with public health regulations or guidance. Where this paragraph applies a notice under paragraph (3) may be given to the Speaker after 9:30am but such notice:

a. must be given as soon as possible and in any event a reasonable time before any vote on the item or items of business to which the notice applies; and

b. must state when M became aware that he or she was required to self-isolate in order to comply with public health regulations or guidance.

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Motion: Committee for the Economy Skills Strategy and Economic Output Micro Inquiry Special Report


That this Assembly notes the Committee for the Economy's Special Report (NIA 79/17-22) providing evidence from stakeholders to inform the forthcoming Skills Strategy; supports the development of a cross-departmental and inclusive approach to skills development; recognises the need for collaboration between the public sector, employers, industry, and all levels of education to ensure that our people have the right skills and access to lifelong learning; and calls on the Minister for the Economy and her Executive colleagues to use this evidence in planning for the new Skills Strategy.

Chairperson, Committee for the Economy


7. Private Members' Business

Motion: Promoting a Gender-sensitive Assembly


That this Assembly, on International Women's Day, notes Recommendation 12 of the Assembly and Executive Review Committee report, entitled Women in Politics and the Northern Ireland Assembly, which proposed that the Assembly should consider adopting measures to create a gender-sensitive Assembly; and endorses the recommendations in the Gender-sensitive Assembly Action Plan as put forward by the Northern Ireland Assembly Women's Caucus.

Ms Clare Bailey
Ms Jemma Dolan
Ms Kellie Armstrong
Ms Sinéad Bradley
Ms Paula Bradley
Mrs Rosemary Barton


8. Adjournment