Order Paper

Reference: OP 25/16-21

Date: 25 October 2016

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Executive Committee Business

Motion: Rates (Increased Reduction for Recreational Hereditaments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016


That the Rates (Increased Reduction for Recreational Hereditaments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016 be affirmed.

Minister of Finance

3. Question Time

3.1 Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

3.1.1 Topical Questions

3.2 Economy

3.2.1 Topical Questions

4. Private Members' Business

Motion: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


That this Assembly notes the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises to the economy of Northern Ireland; recognises their resilience in the face of many challenges; believes that many small and medium-sized enterprises are not realising their growth and development potential; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to ensure that the Economic Strategy supports small and medium-sized enterprises that want to grow.

Mr M Storey
Mr G Dunne
Mr T Buchanan
Mr G Lyons

Motion: Partnership Working in Education Services


That this Assembly recognises the value of partnership working between schools and community services, including the role that this can play in increasing educational achievement for pupils; and calls on the Minister of Education to ensure adequate resources are invested in developing and expanding such services.

Ms J McCann
Ms M Gildernew
Mr F McCann

5. Adjournment

  • The Future of Movilla High School

Mr M Nesbitt