Order Paper

Reference: OP23 - 1621

Date: 18 October 2016

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Marshalled List of Amendments

Indicative Timings

1. Prayers

2. Question Time

2.1 Health

2.1.1 Topical Questions

2.2 Infrastructure

2.2.1 Topical Questions

3. Opposition Business

Motion: Housing


That this Assembly notes that in June 2016 there were 37,347 households on the social housing waiting list, of which 22,986 were deemed to be in housing stress and 15,474 were deemed to be statutorily homeless; and calls on the Minister for Communities to commit to providing at least 8,800 new build social housing units and 2,900 affordable housing units over the term of the Programme for Government 2016-21.

Mr C Eastwood
Mr A Allen
Ms N Mallon
Mrs J Palmer

Motion: Deterioration in Cancer Services


That this Assembly notes the recent publication of cancer waiting times, which revealed that the crisis affecting cancer services in Northern Ireland is continuing to deteriorate; further notes with anger that in June 2016 only 6.7 per cent of breast cancer patients in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area were seen within 14 days, despite the target being 100 per cent; accepts the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of cancer, as any delay can reduce the likelihood of a successful outcome; notes that these figures are symptomatic of the wider unprecedented crisis engulfing the Northern Ireland Health Service, with 392,000 people now on waiting lists; and calls on the Minister of Health to intervene to ensure patients receive swift, safe and sustainable healthcare and to ensure patient safety is not further compromised.

Mrs J Dobson
Mr R Butler
Mr M Durkan
Mr C McGrath

4. Adjournment

  • Development at the Titanic Quarter

Mrs N Long