Marshalled List of Amendments - Tuesday 18 October 2016
14 October 2016
Opposition Business
Item 3: Order Paper 23/16-21 – Tuesday 18 October 2016
Motion: Housing
That this Assembly notes that in June 2016 there were 37,347 households on the social
housing waiting list, of which 22,986 were deemed to be in housing stress and 15,474 were
deemed to be statutorily homeless; and calls on the Minister for Communities to commit to
providing at least 8,800 new build social housing units and 2,900 affordable housing units over the term of the Programme for Government 2016-21.
[Mr C Eastwood]
[Mr A Allen]
[Ms N Mallon]
[Mrs J Palmer]
The Speaker has selected the following Amendments for debate:
Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘notes’ and insert:
‘that since 2007-08 until today the number of households in housing stress has remained constant, averaging around 22,000 per year despite significant investment by the Executive in new social housing; calls on the Minister of Communities to suspend the House Sales Scheme to ensure that housing can be retained within the social sector; and further calls on the Executive to ensure that the Housing Executive has the powers to allow it to build social homes and to work with Housing Associations to ensure maximum investment in social housing.’
[Mr F McCann]
[Ms C Ní Chuilín]
[Ms M Gildernew]
Amendment 2
Leave out all after ‘homeless;’ and insert:
‘ further notes the Executive’s success in exceeding the last Programme for Government target by providing 7,669 new social homes and 4,685 new affordable homes between 2011 and 2016; and acknowledges the plans of the Minister for Communities to deliver 9,600 new social homes and 3,750 new affordable homes between 2016 and 2021.’
[Mr J Bell]
[Mr A McQuillan]
[Mr C Stalford]