Order Paper

Reference: OP 324 - 11/16

Date: 08 February 2016

The Assembly to sit at noon.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Assembly Business

Motion: Suspension of Standing Orders 10(2) to 10(4)


That Standing Orders 10(2) to 10(4) be suspended for 08 February 2016.

Mr P Weir
Ms C Ruane
Mrs K McKevitt
Mr R Swann
Mr S Dickson

Motion: Committee Membership


That Mrs Dolores Kelly replace Mr Sean Rogers as a member of the Committee for Education; that Mr Alex Attwood replace Mr Patsy McGlone as a member of the Committee for Justice; and that Mr Patsy McGlone replace Ms Claire Hanna as a member of the Committee for the Environment.

Mrs K McKevitt
Mr A Maginness

3. Private Members’ Business

Consideration Stage: Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill (NIA Bill 62/11-16)

Mr J McCallister

4. Committee Business

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage – Addressing Bullying in Schools Bill (NIA Bill 71/11-16)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 17 February 2016, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Addressing Bullying in Schools Bill (NIA Bill 71/11-16).

Chairperson, Committee for Education

Motion: Further Extension of Committee Stage – Licensing Bill (NIA Bill 69/11-16)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended further to 19 February 2016, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Licensing Bill (NIA Bill 69/11-16).

Chairperson, Committee for Social Development

5. Executive Committee Business

Further Consideration Stage: Credit Unions and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill (NIA Bill 56/11-16)

Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

Motion: Statement of Proposed Entitlements for an Official Opposition


That this Assembly endorses the Statement of Proposed Entitlements for an Official Opposition, as set out at Appendix F4 of the Fresh Start Agreement; and calls on the Speaker to take forward the implementation of these provisions before the end of the current Assembly mandate.

Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister

Motion: Supply Resolution for the 2015-2016 Spring Supplementary Estimates


That this Assembly approves that a total sum, not exceeding £15,770,704,000, be granted out of the Consolidated Fund or towards defraying the charges for Northern Ireland Departments, the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission, the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints, the Food Standards Agency, the Northern Ireland Audit Office, the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation and the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland for the year ending 31 March 2016 and that total resources, not exceeding £17,135,765,000, be authorised for use by  Northern Ireland Departments, the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission, the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints, the Food Standards Agency, the Northern Ireland Audit Office, the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation and the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland for the year ending 31 March 2016 as summarised for each Department or other public body in Columns 3(c) and 2(c) of Table 1 in the volume of the Northern Ireland Spring Supplementary Estimates 2015-2016 that was laid before the Assembly on 2 February 2016.

Minister of Finance and Personnel

Motion: Supply Resolution for the 2016-2017 Vote on Account


That this Assembly approves that a sum, not exceeding £7,899,052,800, be granted out of the Consolidated Fund on account for or towards defraying the charges for Northern Ireland Departments, the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission, the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints, the Foods Standards Agency, the Northern Ireland Audit Office, the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation and the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland for the year ending 31 March 2017 and that resources, not exceeding £8,680,276,400, be authorised, on account, for use by Northern Ireland Departments, the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission, the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints, the Foods Standards Agency, the Northern Ireland Audit Office, the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation and the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland for the year ending 31 March 2017 as summarised for each Department or other public body in Columns 4 and 6 of Table 1 in the Vote on Account 2016-17 document that was laid before the Assembly on 2 February 2016.

Minister of Finance and Personnel

Motion: Supply Resolution for the 2013-2014 Excess Vote


That this Assembly approves that resources, not exceeding £6,031,448.89 be authorised for use by the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland for the year ending 31 March 2014, as summarised in Part II of the 2013-2014 Statement of Excesses that was laid before the Assembly on 2 February 2016.

Minister of Finance and Personnel

First Stage: Budget Bill*

Minister of Finance and Personnel

Final Stage: Health and Social Care (Control of Data Processing) Bill (NIA Bill 52/11-16)

Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

Motion: Draft Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Amendment of Slavery or Human Trafficking Offences and Relevant UK Orders) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016


That the draft Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Amendment of Slavery or Human Trafficking Offences and Relevant UK Orders) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016 be approved.

Minister of Justice

6. Question Time

6.1 Culture, Arts and Leisure

6.1.1 Topical Questions

6.2 Education

6.2.1 Topical Questions

7. Adjournment